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"leave me alone please," i said quickening my pace trying to get away from the soc who decided today would be a good day to try and get in my pants.

"why should i?" he asked,"i know you want me just as bad as i want you."

"if that's -500% then your correct my friend," i sneered.

he pushed me to the ground. the burning sensation on my knee told me that i had scraped it.

i glared at him,"someone who has somewhere better to be." i tried to stand up and walk away from him but he just pushed me down again. this time it didn't feel like a burn, but more like a bone was broken in my wrist.

"look man, just leave me alone," i begged staying on the ground. i really wished the gang was here right now, so that they could save my ass.

"not until you give me what i want," he hissed.

"i'm not gonna," i spat. i was terrified but i didn't want to show it. inside my mind i was screaming for anyone in the gang, as if they could hear me.

"well then we're gonna be here awhile huh?" he asked bitterly.

he punched my face a few times and my vision was clouded with red and i could taste the blood in my mouth. he lifted my shirt and started carving into my stomach with his blade.

i screamed and he put his hand over my mouth. he had my legs pinned down with his and my arms pinned behind my back.

after he was done on my stomach he held the blade to my neck. i held my breath and closed my eyes. i had lost. and i knew i would be the fighting point for the next few rumbles because i would be dead.

he pressed the blade closer, i could feel the sting of the cut forming. if he pressed any farther it would be deadly.

"get the hell off of her!" i heard a familiar voice yell,dallas.

dally grabbed the guy by the collar and threw him off of me. steve, darry and two-bit helped dally beat the daylight out of that boy.

sodapop sat on the ground next to me and held me from behind in his arms. pony and johnny were helping soda comfort me.

pony was sitting there with a hand on my back rubbing circles. johnny held my hand and watched the guy get the shit beat out of him with a mean glare in his eyes.

"how did you know?" i asked soda.

"we heard you scream from a mile away," he replied chuckling a little bit.

"not to mention you weren't there to watch mickey with two-bit," pony smiled,"he sure knew something was up."

"but none of us believe him until we heard you scream. it's a pretty recognizable scream you know?" Johnny informed me giving my hand a squeeze.

i just closed my eyes and laid back on soda. he pushed some of the hair that was stuck in the blood on my face back.

"don't touch her again or i'll rip your face off," darry yelled as the boy tried to run away and just ended up limping away.

dally spit on the jacket the boy left behind while two-bit and steve were yelling cuss words at him.

"you think you can walk kid?" darry asked me.

"yeah she just got the crap beat outta her, she's good to go run a marathon darry," steve butted in before i could answer.

"okay hotshot," darry glared at steve,"you carry her home."

"gladly," steve said scooping me off the ground and carrying me home bridal style.

"this is gonna burn," darry said as he put a rag to my cheek.

i squeezes two-bit's hand as i felt the sting.

"jesus, your gonna squeeze my hand off,"
two-bit whined as he kept his eyes on the tv.

"your the one who offered it to her," soda laughed from the arm wrestling match him and steve were having in the kitchen.

it was now late at night, some of the gang would've been home by now, but they all stayed for me.

after darry cleaned me up he asked me if i wanted to go home.

"no, my old man won't know if i came home or not, he'll be too high to care." i muttered laying my head back on the couch,"i don't feel safe there anyways."

"who do you want to keep you safe tonight," steve asked pushing sodas arm down on my table then whooping in victory.

"dallas." i said.

his head snapped up from his lighter and his cigarette,"me?"

i nodded,"you were the one who got there first, the one who saved me before the cut me to shreds."

dally shifted uncomfortably,"so you wanna come stay with me? at a bar? your under age."

"so are you," johnny said,"she'll be fine."

"well, okay. if you really want to i guess." he shrugged,"let's go though cause' i'm getting tired."

i nodded and stood up from the couch. i stumbled a little bit and darry straightened me up.

"your gonna be dizzy, be careful," he said.

dally drove me to his place and once we got upstairs he gave me some of his clothes to wear as pjs. i went into the bathroom to change.

i looked into the mirror at what the boy cut into my stomach. 'tease'.

i stared at it for awhile and i heard dally rapping his knuckles on the door,"you good in there kid?"

i told him that i was and i quickly put on the clothes. when i walked out dally was laying in bed smoking a cigarette.

"i'll sleep on the floor gimme a sec to finish this," he told me.

"actually, i want you stay with me please," i said. dally reminded me of the big brother i wished i had maybe that was why he made me feel so safe.

he nodded and i climbed in bed next to him. i cuddled up to him and he awkwardly wrapped his arm around me.

i could tell he didn't cuddle much, that was a given actually. that didn't matter, knowing he was there, holding me, made me feel safe.

of course i would've felt safe with any of the gang, i just i felt safest with dally.

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