An Unexpected Life 23

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Another longer chapter. I hope you guys like it and I love all of your comments so please keep letting me  know what you think about it! 


 "J" I yelled but he didn’t move "Jace" I yelled again as I walked closer. I noticed that is eyes were fixed on the basket in front of us. He was completely still which really started to freak me out. I had never seen him life this. I waved my hands in front of his face until he returned to reality.

“J what’s wrong?” I asked but he just looked at me and said nothing.

I looked between his frozen face and the basket. “J are you scared of heights?”

“No” He snapped back but his face didn’t convince me.

“So let’s go then” I suggested waiting for his reaction

“No” He yelled again and grabbed my arm. 

I smiled and rolled my eyes. “It’s fine if you don’t want to go.”

Lee came skipping back up to us. “Come on guys we don’t have all day. The suns about to set and you will ruin the magic if you don’t move your butts.” I looked back at J who quickly pushed past me and climbed in the basket next to Leo and Becks. I knew this would not go well. I also wondered why J had never told me he was scared of heights. Surely that’s a pretty big thing to not tell someone. I must have been thinking hard because Lee walked right up to my face and sand “Let’s go fly a Kite”

“Lee I know I am English but how many times do I have to tell you I am not Mary Poppins and no one this century in England is.” I said pulling my unamused face.

“Up to the atmosphere” He continued whist dragging me along before picking me up and chucking me into the basket before climbing in himself. “Up where the air is clear” he sang staring at me waiting for me to join in. The longer I stayed silent the more ugly his sad face became so I did what a good friend would do and pretended to be Mary Poppins.

Mya, the young woman, climbed in and got us up into the air. With all of Lee’s singing I had completely forgotten about J’s reaction to the balloon. I only realised when Becks came sliding up to Lee getting all coupley. I moved over to J who didn’t take his eyes off the bottom of the basket as the sweat pumped and ran down his face. His breathing became fast and I thought he would end up passing out. I took his hand without saying a word. I knew that he wouldn’t want to talk about it here. His eyes never moved but his hands were cold and sweaty.

 I noticed that in the corner of my eye my brother was getting closer to Mya clearly feeling award being a fifth wheel he thought he would try his charm. I smirked waiting to see how she would try and avoid him in such a small space. He was always terrible with girls he just blurted words at them. It was a family trait which was hilarious to watch. To my surprise there was no blurting but smooth conversation that was more an exchange of whispers. Mya giggled and so I took that as a good sign but it was so odd to see Leo like that. I guess he had changed just as much as I had. I elbowed J to show him the two of them flirting but again no movement.

An Unexpected Life  ( Sequel to An Unexpected Change.)Where stories live. Discover now