She removes her hand from her face and looks at me. "Have you ever been starstruck?"

I know I've been starstruck before, plenty of times back when we first started, but I can't think of the last time that I was. "Yeah. I just couldn't tell you the last time I was, I haven't met anyone famous in a while."

"Are you telling me that Mr. Famous hasn't been to a ravishing Hollywood party in quite some time?" She asks in what I take was her version of a British accent."

"Yes. Mr. Famous hasn't been to a party in quite some time." I say in my version of an American accent.

Cassie laughs at my attempt. "Maybe we should stick to using our own accents."

I laugh, "We should." Cassie and I stay quiet for a while after that, occasionally making faces at one another through our screens. I'm about ask her a question but she beats me to it.

"How's Louis doing?" Her question takes me a little by surprise.

"Um, he's good, I think. You could ask him yourself if you want, his room isn't far from mine."

Cassie's mood changes, "No, no, don't worry about it. It's not that important." Did I miss something between the two of them?

"Okay. Well do you still want to tell me about what happened with the two former problems?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

"No, not now. I should let you go, it's getting late over there and you have a show to do. We'll talk soon, okay?"

I want to ask her what's up, she hasn't ever had a massive mood swing like that before. I'm thinking about it when her features become impatient. "Yeah, we'll talk soon. Bye, Cass."

"Bye, Harry," she says before hanging up. A couple seconds later her face disappears and the Skype closing sound plays through my headphones.

What the hell just happened?


"Where's your head at mate? You haven't been paying attention to a single thing we've seen all day." Liam asks me, tapping on my shoulder. We always have a bit of leisure time in between shows. Sometimes we spend it together, as a group, and sometimes we split up and do our own thing. We decided to split up today; Liam and I are sightseeing, not sure what the other guys are up to.

"Sorry. I've been thinking about someone."



"What happened?"

"I don't know actually. We were laughing and making fun of each other and then all the sudden she asked about Louis and her whole mood changed." Liam doesn't say anything. I probably need to explain further. "I told her he was fine and asked if she wanted to talk to him, she really didn't want to."

"Ah. That's makes more sense. Don't worry about it. They've been really tense since they almost kissed." I forgot about that. "They had a conversation after and it didn't end well."


"We should head back to the hotel. It's almost time to practice." Liam and I leave whatever landmark we're at and hop back into our black SUV and our driver brings us back to the hotel.

When we arrive at the hotel, we have to take the back entrance to get inside as there were loads of fans waiting out front. Paul greets us quickly and rushes around making sure that everyone has returned safely. After waiting for a few minutes we are all escorted outside and put into an SUV. Paul gives us a quick rundown of the schedule and we're on our way to the venue.

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