Meeting the Characters!

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hey guys this is just meeting the characters enjoy!

Elsa Winters-

this is elsa winters  she has powers of  ice and snow! it's secret! only her friends know! she is a spy and she goes to Hollywood Arts!  she is 18 years old she has a sibling named Anna Winters her  dad died when she was 10 and anna was 7  her mom  Kendall Winters is rich she owns  8 companies! 2 in Georgia 3 in Texas 1 in Hawaii  2 in Washintgon D.C.  she is also a grand castle  spy! shh! don't tell no one it is a secret! and she also has a HUGE crush on Jack Frost since 4th grade! her nickname is elsie! snowflake just for jack!

Jack  Frost -

this is jack frost  the most popular guy in school with his gang called the big 4!  he is also rich! his parents own 7 companies! 3 in Florida! 1 in Texas! 3 in Hawaii he has a HUGE crush on Elsa Winters since 5th grade !  he is 18! he has  sister  named Emma Frost!  He was exepted in Hollywood Arts! He has powers of ice and snow! but it's a secret!  only his friends know!  his nickname is frost just for merida!

Rapunzel (PUNZIE)  Corona-

this is punzie corona she has healing powers! secret! only her friends know!  she is a spy from the grand castle! she has a HUGE crush on Flynn Rider! secret!  her parents are rich and they own 6 companies! 2 in New York 3 in Alabama  1 in Georgia!  She was exepted in Hollywood Arts!  she is 17 years old! (i'm sorry there is nothing else i can right about her oops!)

Flynn Rider-

he is 18 years old and he has a HUGE  crush on Punzie Corona! secret! He was exepted in Hollywood Arts! he is rich his parents own  5 companies 2 in Washington D.C.  1  in Hawaii 1 in New York! 1 un Alabama! he is popular in school his gang are called the big 4! he has no powers but he can use any weapon !

Merida DunBroch-

this is merida dunbroch she has the power to turn into a bear and she is good at archery! secret! (exept the archery thing)only her friends know! she is a spy at the grand castle! she was exepted in Hollywood Arts! she has a HUGE crush on hiccup! secret! she is 18 years old! she has 3 brothers named Harris Hubert Hamish DunBroch! she is rich and her parents own 4 companies 2 in Florida 2 in Alabama! her nickname is mer!

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock-

this is hiccup horrendous haddock he has a HUGE crush on merida! secret! he has the power to turn into a dragon and talk to one! secret! only his friends know! he is 19 years old (guessing! and on all of their ages including the rest!)  his nickname is hicc and he is rich and popular at school his gang are called the big 4! his parents own  3 companies 2 in Washington D.C. 1 in New Jersey!(new state!) he was exepted in Hollywood Arts!

Anna Winters-

this is anna winters she is rich her dad died when she was 7 and elsa 10! elsa is her sister her mother owns 8 companies

2 in Geogia 3 in Texas 1 in Hawaii 2 in Washington D.C.!  she is a spy at the grand castle she has a HUGE crush on Kristoff Bjorgman! she was exepted in Hollywood Arts!she is 16 years old! she has a sibling named elsa  and her power is- every weapon she touches she knows how to use it!-thats her power!

Kristoff Bjorgman-

this is kristoff bjorman he is popular in school his gang are called the big 4 he is rich and his parents own 2 companies 2 in New Jersey! he has a HUGE crush on Anna Winters   he has bionics not powers! secret! only his friends know! he is 18 years old!  he was exepted in Hollywood Arts! 

bye hope you like this story ! peace! 

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