Chapter 13

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Louis sat on the couch not believing what had happened. He was too stunned to even think about running after Harry. Louis sat in a numbed trance for hours. His mind played over the night's events. How could such a perfect evening turn out to be the worst? How could he have been so stupid? Emotions ran wild from hurt, embarrassment and then anger and by the time late afternoon came, Harry still hadn't come home and Louis was still sitting on the couch. His mind was so cut off that he forgot to eat. Anger finally turned into worry and Louis's phone notification pinged and snapped him out of jumbled thoughts.

At 6 pm Louis got a text from Harry.

'Went to visit mum. Staying over cu 2morrow x'

Louis walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. He was so angry at the fact that Harry couldn't even be bothered to phone him. All he was worth was the time it took to type out a bloody message. But then Louis remembered the reason Harry didn't want to talk to him; he was disgusted with Louis. Louis couldn't even finish his water. Throwing the glass in the sink, he then broke down in tears.

Unable to stop crying, Louis sent Harry a text.

'I'm so so sry. I miss u ☹'

As Louis laid in bed alone, he thought about how he could make it up to Harry. Let him know how sorry he was and make things right. Taking Harry's pillow, he hugged it close to his chest and breathed in the calming, familiar scent. It was after 1 am when Louis finally fell asleep whilst the pillow soaked up his tears.

Louis woke at 8 am to an empty bed. He hoped he'd been dreaming. His head hurt like he was suffering from a hangover and his heart ached for Harry. Once a shower had woke him up, he decided the way forward was to cook a dinner for his fiancé. The only problem was Louis didn't know how to cook. This was yet another role Harry took in their relationship. Louis knew it would mean more to Harry because he had at least tried.

Wanting to make sure dinner would be ready on time, Louis sent Harry another text.

'Luv what time will ub home?'

One hour later, there was still no reply. So, Louis tried phoning but there was no answer. To keep him from negative thoughts that were going around his head, Louis busied himself with trying to find a recipe online that was easy to follow but looked gourmet. This would be his first time trying to cook a meal and he wanted it to be perfect, so he ordered candles, flowers and the best bottle of white wine he could find at the online supermarket. Everything was delivered quickly. Louis tried to remember the last time he been physically grocery shopping and he remembered it was with Harry. But now with their fame, they couldn't go anywhere like a supermarket without being mobbed by the media and fans.

Louis tried phoning Harry another six times in between preparing the dinner and cleaning the house. Yet another chore Harry took on and never complained about. But this time the phone went to voicemail. The time apart made Louis think about how much he takes Harry for granted. That he hardly did anything around the house and Harry never complained once. The dinner was ready, the table set, and so Louis ran upstairs to change into a suit.

 The dinner was ready, the table set, and so Louis ran upstairs to change into a suit

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