Chapter 16

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Harry finally had a court order that stopped the UK Paparazzi from following and hassling him. Only to get one it took a near car accident, back when he was driving down to his mum's and then spending the full day being on the phone to his lawyer, which then caused him to arrive late home to Louis, and we all know how that turned out. Yes, the UK Paps wasn't allowed to come anywhere near Harry. However, if they were called and got invited by the management, to a setup Pap walk, then the court order was useless and there was bugger all Harry could do about it. And yeah, Harry did get the most flack, after all, he was the one labelled as a womanizer and a toy boy.

After the 1D Day incident, management bumped up the number of times the boys would be papped with their beards. Harry was forced to date more A-list celebs and Louis was forced to live with his current beard Eleanor. Well, the public didn't need to know that it was a stunt house and they weren't really living together. They would be photographed arriving and leaving together and some nights, he did need to stay over, but they slept in separate bedrooms. Louis didn't have a problem with Eleanor, she had a job to do and was following orders just like he was. The two actually got along well and Louis would be open with her about the stress and strain management was putting on Harry and his relationship. But the real smiles and cosy chats fueled by headlines that Louis and Eleanor were getting serious and Louis was ready to pop the question.

"This is all my fault. I'm so sorry, babe. I never thought they would go this low." Harry moaned. "Hey, knowing our luck, they will force you to marry the bitch. Probably have a fake wedding already set up as well."

Louis squeezed Harry's shoulder. "Hey, love. We're gonna get through this. You just have to stay strong, for me. And you know it would be impossible for me to marry El." He laughed and then pulled Harry in closer for a hug.

"You know it's gonna get worse before it gets better." Harry reminded him. "Just never doubt us, promise me? No matter what you see on TV or in photos, it's all an act. Never believe what you read in the newspaper. And you're the one I will be coming home to at night. You have my heart and you're my home."

"I love you, Harry. You're all I think about. I miss you when you're not by my side and sometimes I can't breathe with the way you look at me. Never forget that, my Hazza."

"I won't babe." Harry Kissed Louis on the lips. "You already know what's going to be said about me. That I sleep around and use women for sex."

"You fooking gay, for fooks sake." Louis cried out. "It's the worst kept secret in the industry. How can people be so blind and fooking gullible?"

"But, promise me, when you start having even an inkling of doubt, you will come to me with it. Call me if you ever start doubting us and I will be by your side. Nothing in this world means more to me than you. You are my life, Lou, and I would walk away from everything, the bullshit and the fame." Harry wiped a fallen tear away from Louis's cheek.

Louis sniffed before caressing Harry's face. "I can't believe how fooking lucky I am to have you. That if we'd never gone to the same Script concert we'd never have met. You were always in my future."

"And you will forever be in mine."

"When I look at you, Haz, I always wonder if I'm worthy of your love. If I'm good enough for you. That you deserve so much more. You deserve the world."

"Oh, Lou. You are my world. What have I told you about putting yourself down and me on a pedestal? You are the most amazing man I have ever met. You have so much spirit and warmth and you're undoubtedly the best songwriter out of all of us."

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