Chapter 7

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Louis explained his plan to the boys and they agreed to accept responsibility in case things didn't go as planned. Unlocking the door, Louis stepped outside the bedroom.

"Paul, you can see him now. I just need a minute and I'll be right back."

"But ..."

"Give him a minute." Liam snapped.

Louis left the suite and after shutting the door closed, he leaned against it and breathed deeply. His heart was pounding too fast. Maybe he should have taken the pill the Dr had given, at least it would have calmed him. Wiping his face with his sleeve and ruffling his fringe, he knew he looked a mess but there was no time.

Louis pressed the button in the elevator and once inside he bent to catch his breath. He wasn't feeling too great and right now he needed to be on top of his game.

The media had been banned from entering the hotel and only the fans that were already inside when the incident happened, were allowed to stay. Oh, and they had many questions for Louis.

" Alright, loves, please put your phones away so we can talk. Don't cry – I can see from your expressions that you are all worried. So, quieten down and I will explain what happened."

"It's Harry, isn't it? Something's happened to him." One fan called out. As the rest of the girls started crying hysterically.

"Loves, please shush. Let me talk." He put a finger to his lips to get them to be quiet. "The media are outside those doors, but we love and respect you all so much, we wanted the fandom to know first." Louis took a deep breath. "About an hour ago, Harry collapsed in his room."

More crying and gasps came out from the group and one girl fainted, but she was quickly helped.

"Hey, he's okay. Harry's going to be okay," he assured them. "The Dr said he's suffering from exhaustion and needs complete bed rest for a few days. So, sadly we have to cancel tonight's show

Moans issued from the girls. "Can you not do the concert without him?" One fan asks, and a quarrel broke out.

"Love, it wouldn't be the same. You know that."

The girl wiped her eyes and nodded.

Louis shrugged. "I'm so sorry but there's nothing else we can do."

"Louis," a fan called out. "If he gets that rest, is Harry going to be alright?"

"We hope so." He smiled. "Look, tonight we were going to play in our biggest arena, yet. And we know there are going to be thousands of angry fans and parents, and this is where we need your help."

"We need you to let the fandom know what's happened. I really can't stay. I have to take care of business."

"And Harry?" A fan shouts out.

Louis grinned. "Yes, and Harry. So, if you have any questions please ask them now."

"Are you going to reschedule?"

"Yes. That's definite but it will be up to our management when that will be. And I can assure you that Harry will not be performing until he's 100%"

"Is Harry really going to be okay."

"Is he going to the hospital?"

"Where is he now?"

Louis held up his hands to stop the questions from coming. "Yes, we're sure Harry's going to be okay. Because of security issues, it was decided that he would have to be treated here in the hotel. The Dr that is looking after Harry is happy for him to remain in the hotel. We have no plans to leave anytime soon. Harry is upstairs sleeping right now."

"OMG, Louis is that blood on your shirt?" The rest of the group gasped.

Louis looked down at the blood stain. "Oh, shit." He swallows and then groans. "Umm, yeah. Harry cut his hand when he fell – but he's okay."

"Did he need stitches?"

"Yeah. But before you ask, I didn't count how many there were."

More sobs and sniffs were heard from the girls.

"Hey, seriously. He's being looked after and will be fit again real soon. I need to go but I want you to leave your Twitter usernames at reception and I will set up a group chat and keep the line of communication open. You'll be updated with what's happening and when we get a new date for the rescheduled concert. We're trusting you not to go to the media with this until it's all over social media, and the fandom knows first. We are counting on you to spread the word of how sorry we are about cancelling the concert."

"We won't let you down."

"Tell him we love him."

Louis smiled. "He knows. Oh, and don't believe any bullshit that's going to be printed or said about Harry. You know the truth."

"We love you, Louis."

He blows them a kiss. "I love you too."

Louis presses the elevator button and waits until the doors close before sinking to the floor. Holding the tears back, he breathed deeply, trying to control his quivering breath. Now wasn't the time to second guess his actions. The fans had come through for them before and trusting them with this would create a stronger bond with them. He knew there were bound to be a backlash, especially from the newspapers and reporters and trash magazines. Louis didn't care as long as it was all kept away from Harry. A tear dropped from his eye as he thought about Harry in bed and how much he wanted to hold him. However, he needed to deal with management first.

Louis walked back into the room with his head low. He held his hand out to silence Paul before he got a chance to speak. Walking over to the bedroom, he saw Ian sitting by Harry's bed, reading a magazine. Louis nodded and then closed the door.

Niall walked over with a glass of Brandy. "Here, come and sit down and drink this."

The ice in the glass clinked as Louis's hands shook. Zayn stood up and took the glass from Louis and helped Niall get him over to the couch. Louis's body was shaking. Zayn made sure Louis had both hands on the glass, before sitting beside him.

"Drink," Zayn urged.

Louis took a mouthful and swallowed, allowing the alcohol to burn the back of his throat. He took another sip and then leaned his head on the back of the couch. His bottom lip trembled, and he tried everything he could to hold the tears in. His hand shook as he reached into his pocket for the little pink pill. He swallowed it with the remainder of the brandy, held his glass out to Zayn for a refill, and then faced Paul.

 He swallowed it with the remainder of the brandy, held his glass out to Zayn for a refill, and then faced Paul

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