Chapter 11

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Over the next two days, Anne did what she promised and looked after Harry and Louis. Making sure they ate well and slept lots. When Harry first saw his mother, he broke down. Louis, who was still in bed resting, tried to get up and give them privacy, but Harry grabbed his arm and so Louis stayed and listened to Harry crying until he exhausted himself and fell asleep on Anne's lap. Anne also made sure she spoke to their management team and told them exactly what she thought of them, knowing it wouldn't make much difference, but it sure as hell made her feel better.

Luke, their Dr, visited both days that Anne was there, to check on them and change the dressing on Harry's hand. Harry was embarrassed and apologized for the trouble he'd caused. Luke told him he had nothing to be sorry for. Even though Harry said he was feeling better, Louis made sure Luke knew that Harry wasn't eating enough, crying and still exhausted. Luke told them it was symptoms of depression and he could prescribe some medicine, but Harry wanted to be clear-headed and energized ready to perform and so denied the antidepressants. In just four days they were supposed to start the interviews again and before then, they need to be prepped on what they could and couldn't say. However, Luke was sure Harry wouldn't be fit enough and said he would be speaking to their label and the team again.

The rest of 1D took the break they need and flew home to their families. Louis felt that he had all the family that he needed right there with him. Although he did make sure to skype with his sisters.
Another three long days past and they boys spent it sleeping, chatting and just holding each other while they watched mindless shows on TV.

The hotel was inundated with gifts, flowers, and cards and anything imaginable in the shape of a red heart. The boys asked for the flowers to be given to pensioners in residential homes and for the stuffed animals to be sent to the children's hospital and orphanages. Anne made sure she got photos of the gifts before the vans packed them up. The boys kept all the letters and cards and said they would read them all another time. Louis kept in touch with the super fans as promised and even did a live feed with them, surprised them when Harry come on to the screen to say his thanks for everything they had done.

Louis woke the next morning to see Harry straddling him and kissing down his chest.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

Harry looked up at Louis and whispered. "Sshh." And then continued kissing and sucking, as he trailed down towards the stomach. Just seeing Harry's head so close to his cock, seeing his boyfriend behaving normally was enough to make him hard. He'd been starved from sex for days and now he was ravenous. Louis started getting desperate as Harry continued teasing him. His heart raced as Harry continued kissing and nibbling his skin causing Louis to wiggle with desire. And Harry's giggles as he continued to tease, just turned Louis on even more. As soon as Harry got level with groin area, he took Louis's cock and licked and sucked greedily. Louis almost came Immediately but stopped himself as he wanted to watch Harry take him. All of him. Grabbing hold of the top of Harry's head, he pushed him further down his cock fucking Harry's mouth as he screamed out profanities and arched his back.

"Fuck, yeah. Right there. Do that again."

Harry stopped sucking and taking his tongue, licked the precum off and sucked the tip, which caused Louis to scream out Harry's name as he came hard. His body convulsing as he rode out the powerful orgasm. Harry made sure to swallow every drop and even cleaned Louis up, with his tongue. Now both breathless and spent, they fell back down on the bed and lay there panting.

"Fuck, that was perfect, Harry. But you shouldn't have done that. You should be saving your strength."

"I'll suck you off anytime I like." Harry smiled. "And besides you needed it. With all the shit I have put you through you deserve more. But that's all I have to give for now."

"Well, in that case. Allow me to return the favour." Louis reached over and started to kiss Harry's chest.

"No, babe. I'm good. This was about you. Come here." Harry pulled Louis onto his chest and Louis wrapped his leg around Harry's hip as they cuddled tightly.

"I think I'm going to hit the gym tomorrow," Louis said. "Just gentle stuff. I've gotta get my strength back before we start performing again. And we haven't moved much these past days."

"Just clear if with Luke before you do anything, he'll go mad otherwise."

"Oh," Louis continued. "And you need to start eating properly."

Harry groaned.

"I'm serious, babe. You've lost weight and you need to build your strength back as well. Now, why don't you kiss me you fool."


Louis and the boys started the live interviews and appearances three days later and of course, most of the questions were about Harry. None of the interviewers seemed interested in the new album, which they were there to promote. Even when Zayn tried to turn the questions back to them, it still ended up with them wanting to know what happened to Harry and about Louis and Harry's relationship. They had the video footage and pictures that seemed to indicate that the relationship was more than friendship. But Louis was a pro, and he'd been schooled on what to say. He told anyone that asked that yes, OBVIOUSLY, he cared for Harry very much, just like they all did. He told them that Harry was doing well and would be ready and fit to perform the postponed concert at the stadium that Thursday. And that they were all excited to get back on the stage and see their fans again.


After the fifth day, Harry was going stir crazy and begged to be allowed to leave the room. Even if it was just to sit in the Jacuzzi. With Luke's permission and Louis's and Ian's help, they got Harry down to the shutoff pool area. Harry was shocked at how weak he felt and how his legs shook when he tried to stand. As he had to keep his hands from getting wet because of the stitches, he couldn't completely relax as he wanted. But it gave him time to think. By the time he was helped back upstairs, Harry was determined to start to eat healthily and build his strength back up. Once Louis started working again, he made sure he got enough sleep, excised, and ate well, so he could get back into the right frame of mind and be prepared for the rest of the tour.

Harry knew how lucky he was to have such a great support system behind him and he wanted to give back to his fans. But as he didn't want to read from a prepared script or be told what he could and couldn't say, Harry patiently waited for the right moment. It was one morning, while Harry was listening to Grimmy's radio show, that he decided to call Nick at the station. He was put on live straight away and was as open as he could. He explained that the band always gave 100% and with the album and tour, things got too much, although Grimmy tried to get Harry to blame management, (as he knew the truth) Harry was careful to go around the question. The same when Louis's name was mentioned. Nick asked if it was true that Louis didn't go home like the rest of the band but chose to stay and look after him. Harry said that Louis was a very special person and that he owed him so much and felt blessed to have him as a friend.

Management made it clear that they were not happy with Harry going behind their back. But Harry wasn't going to ask permission to do things anymore. Yes, Louis had made compromises with them to make life easier, but Harry had his own agenda. He would behave himself with Louis while in public. But for any live appearances and live TV performances, his 'I ship the bullshit' attitude was going to come out loud and clear.

For the rest of the tour, Harry left the fans with no doubt that he was totally in love with Louis and that Larry was very much alive.

For the rest of the tour, Harry left the fans with no doubt that he was totally in love with Louis and that Larry was very much alive

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