Fuel For the Hate Fire Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"I severely doubt that a seventh year could give me anything more than what Draco has for me.  Especially one like you who's repeating seventh year because he failed the first time around!" y/n says with a smirk.

"Whatever!" Flint fumes.  "Truth is, I deserve your time!"

"No.  I don't think so because you'll be gone in a bit and you'll be living in the shadow of Oliver Wood for the rest of your life," y/n grins.  "I respectfully decline your disgusting offer.  I will be sure to tell Draco about your overbearing ego!"

With that, y/n turns on her heel, leaving Marcus Flint alone and silent behind her.  She skips down the empty hallway and into the potions room.

"I'm deeply sorry Professor.  I was on my way to class and someone got in my way and I got held up," she explains confidently. Professor Snape nods and directs her to her spot next to Draco where their potions are bubbling away already.  The Gryffindors groan at the fact that Snape let her go with no detention or house point deduction.  She walks over to Draco and takes her seat as he kisses her on the cheek.

"You okay, baby?" he asks, taking a stirring rod and gently running it through the tiger orange liquid in his cauldron.

"Yes.  I'm great.  I had a nasty encounter with Marcus Flint," she sighs.

"Flint?  What did he want?"

"I'll tell you when we're out of class.  Let's focus on the potion for now," y/n sighs, raching for her potions book.  Draco nods after a second and starts to catch her up.


"That fucker!" Draco shouts as he sits in the common room with y/n on his lap after dinner.  "I'll kill him for cornering you like that!  I can't believe that happened!"

"Draco.  Don't.  You'll just get us in trouble...," y/n sighs. "McGonagall won't be as understanding as Professor Snape if we get caught by her.

"Alright...," Draco sighs deeply as the fire crackles in front of them.  

They sit in silence as people come in and out and the sun begins to set.  As the last person packs their thing up and heads to the dorms, y/n rests her head on Draco's chest as she starts to drift off, tired from the day.  Draco clears his throat.  

"Y/n...  You haven't said anything for a while...," Draco says.  "I can tell something's on your mind...."

"It's nothing, Draco...," she sighs

"No.  It's not nothing.  I know you, y/n...  You can tell me.  I'm your boyfriend," he smiles warmly. She grins back at him and lets out a small laugh.

"It's a bit stupid, to be honest...  The truth is...  I just can't get over what Flint said...," y/n trails off.

"What did he say to you?  There's more to the story?!" Draco shouts, suddenly very aware.

"Draco!  I already told you what he said.  It's just sticking..."

"What part of his whole speech about how I can't provide for you as my girlfriend?" Draco inquires unhappily, turning to look her in the eye.

"The origin of our relationship.  He called it a 'fluke' and a 'popularity stunt' to my face...," she explains.  "... Do you think he's right?"

"What do you mean, y/n?!" Draco gasps.

"Well, when we got together, you did tell me how it would boost our status...  Was that the only reason you wanted me?"

"Oh, baby!  Of course not!  Never!  That was never the only reason...," Draco sighs.  "Sure, us being together gives us both more power as a power couple, but I want you for more reasons than that...  You're confident and smart...  I love the way you laugh and there's never a dull moment when I'm around you."

Y/n smiles and presses her forehead against his and kisses him softly on the lips.

"I love being with you because you make me feel like I'm worth something.  You're the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.  I don't know what I'd do without you...," y/n replies.  "

Draco chuckles and kisses her lovingly.

"But I must say...  Giving those stupid Gryffindors hell is also a perk of us...," Draco admits.  

"It definitely is...," she replies as the fire gives off its last bit of flame and turns to ashes in the fireplace.

"I love you, y/n...," Draco whispers as the water of the Black Lake sloshes against the windows hypnotically.  Y/n turns to Draco, taken aback.  Draco's breath becomes choppy while his cheeks flush a light Gryffindor crimson and he turns away in embarrassment.  "I-I'm sorry...  I shouldn't have..."

As soon as those words escape his lips, y/n swoops in and presses her lips onto his.

"I love you, too, Draco.  It was never about power..."

Draco smiles in relief and takes y/n's waist in his arms and pressing her body closer and closer to his.  He kisses her, holding her close and hoping that even fifty years from now she'll still be there, exactly where she belongs.


This chapter was 1,417 words long!  Thanks for reading!  That Big, Bloody Chicken Pt. 2 is next!

Thank you all for 364k!

- Soiea

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