Chapter 2

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A/n) Bold- Me/Author
Italics- Thinking
Nothing)- Speaking/ Events happening
*actions*- Actions
——Y/n,??? POV——
After Team RWBY showed me around the school I went to Ozpin's office
Ozpin) Come in
Y/n,???) Hey
Ozpin) What did you need Mr. Escur
Y/n,???) I was wondering when I will have initiation?
Ozpin) Tomorrow morning. Also on your information you forgot to put your semblance, may I ask what it is?
Y/n,???) oh sorry it is telekinesis. Bye.
——Timeskip Tomorrow Morning——
I am on the launching pad and Ozpin was making his sprang except it was just to me but I interrupted him.
Y/n,???) Can I just jump
Ozpin) Sure go for it

The students watching on their scrolls were confused and scared for him except Cardin and his team who were happy that they wouldn't have to deal with him.

I jump off the edge and use my telekinesis to propel me forward to the podium with the pieces. I take the Red King. And then 6 death stalkers appear.

Y/n,???) Finally I was getting bored

I transform decari into shield and axe mode. I start using my semblance to bring them all towards me and I start cutting off their arms and tails and then rip ones head off and just let the others die but before the last one dies I say something is a special language.
Y/n,???)Tojimo Hdo Dga!

A/n)You will learn later what it means

I then use my telekinesis again but to make me fly and I land on the place where I am supposed to be.

Ozpin) That was quite quick Mr. Escur even for someone that can essentially make themselves fly at fast speeds. Now come on we have to get to the auditorium.

On our way to the auditorium we talked.

Ozpin) I have never heard of the Escur family before you, why is that?
Y/n,???) Oh that's because I legally changed my last name, and don't bother asking why, it's because I just wanted to.

We soon get to the auditorium because I was getting bored to it used my telekinesis to push us there.

Ozpin) Today we will be inducting a new student into our ranks. Mr. Jaxson Escur. And he will now be known as the new team leader of team EDJE (Edge)*2 people with mad looks and 1 person with no emotion on their face walk out and we stand next to each other in order*
???) *whispers* your dead newbie *in a menacing voice that I wasn't effected by*
Ozpin) You May now all go back to your dorms.

—Timeskip dorms—
???2) Welcome to our dorm My name is Eddie Estom, the angry guy is Dick Kolgir and the angry girl it Elizabeth Helun. What's your name?
Y/n,???) I'm Jaxon Escur. Also why are you two mad.
Eddie: Liz is mad because she doesn't like people. And Dick is mad because he doesn't trust Faunus.
Liz&Dick) I don't need you to speak for me!!! *realizing they said the same exact thing* STOP COPYING ME Ugh!!
—timeskip Glynda's class—
Glynda) Today class we will behaving team vs team fights fights with no weapons. Now for the first Team battle who would like to fight team CRDL. *raise my hand* So this will be Team CRDL vs Tea-
Y/n,???) Actually can it just be me vs team CRDL?
Glynda) if you are sure you want to.

—timeskip arena—
Cardin) this is gonna be easy to beat a mut like him.
Y/n,???) I suggest you don't underestimate me Cardin.
Glynda) 3.......2......1..... FIGHT
Before team CRDL can react I use my semblance manipulation to make the ground rise and make 4 copies of me who kick CRDL and take a chunk out their aura out.
Dove) WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??*he says charging with the rest of his team*I THOUGHT YOUR SEMBLANCE WAS TELEKINESIS??
He goes for an uppercut but I block him with a wall that he broke his hand on.
Dove) AGH
Glynda) Dove's aura is at red he is out of the match.
Y/n,???) Also this is telekinesis I'm just using it on the particles. *lying*

I say while knocking out the rest of Team CRDL with copies of me from the ground.

Glynda) All if Team CRDL's aura are at red! Jaxon Escur WINS!!

Everyone clapped except my team who were either surprised or scarred because of how quickly I beat them.
Glynda) Now can someone get Team CRDL to the nurse.

—timeskip dorms again—
Eddie) You did really good out there
Y/n,???) Thanks Eddie. How do you think I did Dick?
Dick) You did really bad. With that semblance of your you could have won in 1 or 2 seconds.
Y/n,???) Wow it's like your parents you knew you were going to be a dick.
Liz) HA I knew I wasn't gonna be the only one to say that!! I'm starting to like you even more newbie.
——timeskip night—— Y/n,??? POV
I just walked out of a store called Dust Till Dawn after buying yes buying I don't have to steal everything as I was saying I bought a bit of fire and ice dust. I hadn't killed someone in a while so I might as well get that weight of not killing someone in a month off my back.

???) well those workers and shoppers are gonna have a bad day.
Y/n) don't do it!!!
Too late when I was about  4 yards/meters away I used my semblance manipulation to crush the store and everything in it. Sadly the owner wasn't in the shop at the time but still a good multi kill. Within 3 minutes police and a few huntsmen were there so I got out of there surprisingly without being stopped by police. So I just got back to my dorm to see that my teammates were asleep so I just went to bed.

Sorry for not updating in a while I have had a lot of school work so ya it will be like this for a while but I will work on the next chapter ASAP

Phoenix Out!

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