Phantom|M [OneShot]

Start from the beginning

"Tch!" Your boss glares at you before turning away. "Just do your job!"

You shrug and go back to wiping down tables, mind drifting back to what you were thinking about before you were interrupted.

You've been noticing him more and more often, and you wonder why. Glancing out the window, you can see him now, Jonathan Crane, aka Scarecrow. Just what is a high profile Rogue doing hiding in a fire escape? Hiding poorly, you might add, as you spot him right off the bat. You have good vision...

He's crouched there, steadying himself so he doesn't fall due to his lanky frame. It'd be funny if he did fall, you muse, but then it'll bring unwanted attention. No, Crane is too cautious to do something stupid like fall out of a fire escape. Come to think of it, he should be too cautious to even stalk someone. For that certainly is what he is doing. Stalking you.

It started a few months ago, you would see him a few times here and there, in the streets, the occasional time you had enough money to go to the Iceberg Lounge... It escalated from there though.

He started to pop up in your neighborhood then, but you really didn't find it a true issue until you noticed him actually following you from place to place. You wonder if he even knows you figured out he follows you around. Most likely not, but if he does, he obviously doesn't care.

You recall your time in Arkham and remember how he was the only person actually nice to you, as well as Riddler. Not as much as Jonathan though. It'd been a shock to you, as a picture of his personality had already been painted in your mind.

♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

The orderly shoved you through the cell door and slammed it shut with a bang. You stumbled and nearly fell, but caught yourself just in time.

"Hey! Get me out of here!" You bang on the plexiglass. "I don't belong in this place!"

The orderly just ignored you and walked away.

"None of us belong here, kitten," a female voice said. Turning, you find none other than Catwoman in a cell catty corner to your own.

"This one seems a bit different, Selina," a middle aged man with brown hair and glasses sat cross legged on the bed in the cell directly across from yours. "You're not like us, are you child?"

"Even the least intelligent person could say that, Jonathan," a man with short red hair retorted. Clad in green, he was situated in the cell on the other side of Jonathan's, or rather, Scarecrow's.

"Shut up, Edward, your commentary is not needed," Scarecrow gave him a disapproving look before turning back to you. "What's your story child?"

"M-my story?" You gave him a confused look.

"Yes," he said. "Everyone has a story, of how they came to Arkham. What did you do to get stuck in this hell hole?"

"Well, I-it isn't- I'm not supposed to be here at all!"

"Do tell us why you should not be here," Scarecrow tilts his head.

"No eat would I tell you! I don't even know you!"

"Isn't that the best?" Scarecrow asks. "You'll get an unbiased opinion."

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