An Apple A Day...

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You turn around as someone yells your name to see Dr. Jonathan Crane coming towards you.

"Did you get the files organized?"

"Duh, of course I did. What do you take me to be?" You roll your eyes and hand him the files. He was so touchy with getting work done on time, or early if needed. Luckily for both of you, you had a habit of working on a task you received until it was finished.

"I missed my lunch break because of this," You scowl at your co-worker.

"That was your decision," Dr. Crane says with a smirk. "I had nothing to do with it. It's your own fault for having to finish something as soon as you get it."

"Yeah, well I can't stand leaving a job half finished." You turn away from him and continue walking down the hall.

"Does that go for everything or just work?" He asks, following you.

"I don't see why it matters that much to you, Crane."

"There's no need to be touchy, (L/N)." Jonathan smirks.

"Don't you have some patients to torture?" You enter the break room and try to slam it in his face.

"Why torture them when it's more fun to torture you?" He catches the door and enters the room himself. "You actually respond in an unpredictable way."

"Like everyone does in our line of work," you retort. "Leave me alone."

You rummage through your bag and pull out an apple with a sigh. You'd woken up later than usual, and only had time to grab the single piece of fruit.

"That's your lunch?" Jonathan scoffs. "No wonder you skipped your lunch break. Pathetic."

"I skipped my lunch break because you asked me to organize your files when you could've very well done them yourself."

"You weren't doing anything important, besides, as the head Psychiatrist at Arkham, I'm allowed to do what I want."

"You still have to abide by the rules," you snap, "and one of those is not harassing your co-worker."

"You wound me," Jonathan says. "I'm not harassing you, (Y/N/), I'm making conversation."

"Well, I hope that wound kills you. The only conversation I'm interested in is a polite one," you say, gripping the apple in your hand. "What's the saying again? An apple a day keeps the doctor away?"

"Why'd you ask?" Jonathan says.

"I'm seriously contemplating throwing this apple at your head to see if you'll leave me alone."

Jonathan laughs. "Sure, that'll work. I'll just keep coming back. Your reactions are a gift that keeps on giving."

"I could think of an applicable reaction to how you're acting." You chuck the apple at his head.

Jonathan ducks out of the way and the apple splatters against the wall, "Too slow."

"Grrrr...." You continue to glare at him.

"Looks like you really don't have any sort of lunch now," Jonathan sighs. "What a waste of a perfectly good apple."

"You're a waste," you say, "of space, and a bad apple."

"Resorting to petty insults now? I didn't take you to be someone to do that." Jonathan's still smirking.

"Just... get out."

"Fine, fine..."

You can hear Jonathan laughter as he walks out of the room and down the hall.

The next morning, your putting you lunch (leftovers from dinner the previous night), into the refrigerator in the break room when something catches your eye. Picking it up, you realize it's an apple with a note attached to it. Letting out a sigh, you read the note:

Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. I'll look forward to more games with you. ;) - J. Crane

You crumbled up the note and tossed it in the trash before contemplating whether or not to put the apple in there with it. After a moment, you decided to keep it. It'd prove to be a good snack later if you became hungry.

'Damn Crane...'

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