Chapter 7

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U.A. was everything they had expected a prestigious school to be and more, they stood with their mouths agape and eyes wide at how big it was, they haven't even checked the interior yet, they were too busy assessing the high-tech security gate and gushing over it. Well, Ritsu was.

Looking back on their reactions, he admits it was a bit overboard. But if anyone ever confronted Izuku about it he'd blame it on the fact that he was raised in the mountains for most of his life. Karma on the other hand would shrug it off while Terasaka would threaten to knock your teeth out of your mouth if you ever spoke a word of it, and Nagisa would smile bashfully at you.

“Normally you can't pass through the gates without a student ID card or a staff ID in our case, but since none of us have them yet the school will shut down the security system for only 10 minutes. More than enough time for all of us to enter.” Korosensei said rushing them to move inside the school grounds.

“Now then, we were told to head to the training grounds right away, you'll meet your new classmates there.” Karasuma-sensei declared to them.

Izuku was so excited at the possibility of seeing his childhood friend again after all those years that he practically made a leap for it, his classmates close behind. The air buzzing with all different types of feelings, anxiety, fear, excitement, etc...

“ get the most point on the entrance exam, what was your farthest distance throw with the softball when- oh, seems our guests have arrived. 1-A meet E Class, E Class meet 1-A. I don't want a single second wasted on pleasantries, just memorise each others faces for now.” They were met with an unkept looking man who had bags underneath his eyes and hair that looked like it hadn't been brushed in a long, long time. They had a feeling Korosensei would be jumping at the chance of grooming him soon.

Izuku’s eyes scanned the students before him searching for a certain blond but when he laid eyes on him he had found that Katsuki was already staring at him wide-eyed, disbelieving.


“Kacchan! It's been so long.” Izuku beamed back at the taller teen, everything was going well so far up until katsuki charged at him with an angry scowl.

“YOU FUCKING DICKBAG, YOU HAD ME ASSUMING THE WORST, BEEN SO LONG? FUCK YOU! I’LL HAVE YOU MUNCHING ON THE SOLES OF MY SHOES, SCREW YOU!” he went for a punch and before Izuku could dodge the attack, white ribbons had the angry blond captured and unable to move further.

Well, Izuku was kind of expecting that reaction, he would've been shocked and called Katsuki out for being an imposter had he been met with any other reaction actually.

“As much as I'm touched by your tearful reunion, now is not the time. Any other stunt like that and I'll have you expelled, got that Bakugou?” the homeless looking man warned. He let go of Bakugou when he was sure he wouldn't attempt anything else, once Katsuki was freed he glared at Izuku before clicking his tongue and retreating back to his original position. All the while Izuku was studying him, never moving his eyes away.

“Looks like you're loved, Izu” Karma cheekily whispered to him. But Izuku just ignored him.

“My name's Aizawa and I'm your homeroom teacher from this day on” he said facing the E Class and didn't give further details. “These are Korosensei, Karasuma-sensei and Irina-sensei, you'll be seeing a lot of them. As for these kids over here, they're your new classmates” Aizawa-sensei said as a matter of fact.

“what? But they're a whole class! No offense guys, but don't you too think that this is a little too much for one class?” a girl with pink hair and equally pink skin said. They murmured in agreement.

“There are only two classes for the hero course, and they will attend classes with 1-B too on certain days. You are required to interact and learn from them as much as you can.” Aizawa really just wanted to crawl into his sleeping bag and sleep his life away. Why did he sign up for this again?

“Learn what? Deku’s fucking quirkless, what kind of fucking hero course are they from? Whatever it is, it seems weak as fuck and it'll get them killed.” Bakugou shot right back not missing a beat.

“Oh? I wouldn't be so sure of that.” Karma said taunting the other. “we're all quirkless by the way” he added as an after thought. By now students of 1-A were standing gobsmacked not knowing how to respond.

“I have a-“

“Listen you little piece of shit, these quirkless bastards can have you on your knees begging for mercy in under 5 minutes without batting an eye, wannna go? Fine, how about you have a go with Izuku since you seem familiar with each other? But after he beats you to a pulp I don't want to hear a single word of complaint from any of you!” Irina-sensei cut Karasuma-sensei off, she was so angry on their behalf that she decided to take matters into her own hands. They were touched by her reaction.

Katsuki was visibly shaking, not because he got his ass handed to him twice, but because he couldn't risk talking back and getting expelled on the first day. He was never one to back down from a challenge though.

“Fucking fine” he gritted his teeth and walked to the centre of the field. “COME HERE FUCKING DEKU, I'LL KILL YOU!”

Right after he said that many heads from the E Class snapped in his direction while some chuckled in mischief. They already knew he was going to lose to Izuku but they were also sure that their greenette classmate was going to hold back. But after Katsuki’s last statement they highly doubted that. Almost everyone could feel the shift in the atmosphere and Aizawa was slightly unsettled. Izuku threw a cold smile in the teen’s direction.


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