Chapter 4

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Five minutes turned into thirty, thirty minutes turned into an hour, an hour turned into two, and before he knew it the lousy teacher that he couldn't care to remember her name was telling them it was lunch break. Bakugou Katsuki is not a patient person by any means. If the tongue clicking every ten minutes wasn't proof enough, then the death glares and small crackers popping from his hands should suffice.

 ''Where's the little shit?'' He all but snarled at his teacher.

 ''Who do you mean, Katsuki?'' She would be lying if she ever said that little Katsuki didn't scare her, so she always tried to stay on his good side. His non-existent good side, that is.

 ''Who do you think? There are only two students absent and I'm sure as hell not asking about that whiney lizard girl!'' Was everyone around him stupid? he thought adults were smart. 

 ''Oh, then you must mean Izuku! He went to a different kindergarten, his mom called this morning and said so.'' 

She was certain his quirk allowed him to make explosions with his hands, so why was steam coming out of his ears? did he perhaps overheat?

 Mitsuki received a call from the kindergarten later that day, they were begging her to come pick up her son as the little shit was throwing a hissy fit, throwing tables and breaking chairs and spewing the most color full words a 4-year-old could think of.  

Izuku slept for most of the ride, and what a long ride it was. When he came to, he found that they've arrived at a place buried deep in the mountains, there was green all around him. What really caught his eye though was the small rundown building in the middle of it all, next to it were rock steps leading to a 3 storey building that looked in better condition.

(A/N imagine it as a 3 storey building, not 2)

(A/N imagine it as a 3 storey building, not 2)

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Izuku let out a startled yelp and literally jumped out of his skin, he tripped and fell on his butt.

''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!'' Izuku looked up to find a pretty boy with long blue hair and matching blue eyes, he had an outstretched hand and a very concerned expression. Izuku thought he was the prettiest boy he has ever seen, even prettier than girls.

''It's o-okay, i just d-didn't hear you'' Izuku hated himself for how small he sounded at that time, how scared  he must've looked. he took his hand and got up.

''I'm Nagisa, what's your name?'' The boy's voice was so soft, lulling.

''Izuku, are you h-here to be a hero t-too?'' The other boy's smile fell for second before he composed himself, but his body was evidently stiff.

''Yeah, i guess'' 

''Me too! I wan't to be a cool hero with my best friend, Kacchan! he has a really amazing quirk, his hands go pop and then boom and fire is everywhere. I don't have a quirk though, but this person said that I can still be a hero! at first i thought it was a joke, but mom wouldn't lie to me about something like that, right? and then he really came and he took me away in this big car and i stayed there for a looong time too! and i got sleepy and when i woke up i was here and you saw me and now we-.....I'm s-sorry for blabbering like that, it's a b-bad habit'' 

Nagisa noticed two things, that Izuku didn't stutter when he was talking about things he's passionate about. And that he looked like a kicked puppy when he was sad.

''It's okay Izuku, I don't mind. I'll listen to you whenever you want'' little Nagisa beamed back at the green-haired boy, and watched as he gave back a smile of his own.

''Attention, End Class!'' the booming voice startled them booth, they were so engrossed with each other that they didn't notice the other newcomers, there were 25 other kids same age as them, and a long black machine.

''My name is Karasuma, starting tomorrow you will begin your classes and your training as well. Two other teachers will join us, one of them has a mutation quirk. The three of us will do our utmost best to give you a memorable educational journey, please do your best as well'' he sealed it off with a respectful bow. He was bowing down to 4-year-olds, but he was professional like that.

''The 3 storey building on your right is where you'll be staying, first floor is the teachers' as it has the least number of rooms, second is the girls' and third is the boys', if any of the boys step into the girls' floor and vice versa for reasons other than emergency, you will be punished. Am I clear?'' The 27 toddlers nodded their heads in agreement or murmured an affirmative, the man before them was warm but strict at the same time. they hoped he wasn't a scary person, the other two as well. 

''On another note, there has been a small change in plans. your parents will be allowed weekly visits where our agents will make sure to pick them up safely from the nearest station to their house. Picking them up from their houses directly would be too suspicious and would raise alarms.'' They were ecstatic at the news, Izuku even cried a little. He thought he wasn't going to see his mother again. Nagisa on the other hand was a little troubled.

It looks like Izuku's mom was right, this was the best decision.

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