Chapter 5 continuation

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The next day the three teachers entered the class to inform them of the decision they've made.

"Good morning class, today we have a special announcement to make. We're going to U.A. for the next 3 years!" Korosensei said excitedly, whipping a confetti cannon out of nowhere and launching it.

They didn't really share his enthusiasm, well most of them didn't.

Izuku was trying so hard to hide his excitement. But that didn't stop him from thinking logically. U.A. was a well known prestigious school where talented people with amazing quirks enrolled into its hero course.

"Huh? Have you finally lost it? We're quirkless, want me to spell it out for you?" Terasaka was the first to voice out our exact thoughts.

"Exactly, you've been trained well, but you lack experience when it comes to dealing with different quirks. The only quirk you've been exposed to is his" Karasuma said as a matter of fact, pointing at Korosensei who was nodding his head in agreement. "And that won't do, you need to be exposed to a wide variety of quirks." when put like that, Izuku couldn't help but agree as well.

"How are we going to get in though? We definitely won't pass the practical exam." Karma stated another fact. He hated to admit it, but it would be idiotic to ignore their current reality.

"The practical exam has already ended. The school president is amongst those who know about this class, he's actually the one who provided you with your gear. That aside, he wants his students to train with you too. Think of it as an internship, It's a win-win situation for both sides" Irina was the one to reply to that question. At this point Izuku was visibly shaking with excitement.

"Wow, you actually said something sensible for once, Bitch-sensei" Maehara just loved teasing her whenever he had the chance.

"I'll kill you in your sleep, you little brat"


A/N for some reason this part never made it so i had to post it separately, Chapter 6 is being written rn and will be posted after a while <3

StereotypesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora