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"You just fainted Himawari!" My dad told me with concern as I tried to take a few steps.

"I don't care. I need to see him" I replied with determination while Kawaki stared at me in amazement.

"Hn. Naruto" Sasuke said while walking out of the room. My father glanced at us before signaling my brother amd Mitsuki to leave. Boruto hesitated a bit but eventually gave in.

Once they were out of the room I looked at Kawaki with skepticism. I wasn't in the mood of being played, but I also couldn't help my excitement of seeing him alive. Tears ran all pver my face as I figured it out how to approach him properly.

'Just tell him. I just need to tell him'

"Himawari" Kawaki said while one of his hands went to my face and whiped some of my tears away. His eyes staring deeply into mine.

"I-I want to say something...Something cool and coherent....but I can't. It's been so long...I searched for you..." I said while cursing me at the same time for being so dumb. But the wprst part of this, was that he didn't said anything. It was starting to make me feel annoyed.

"Why aren't you talking?" I asked in confusion, but he didn't replied. "Say something! Mock me, insult me, say that you don't remember me but please..." By this time I shutted my eyes, trying to surpress my tears.

"Just...say something..." I murmured before opening my eyes again. He was still staring at me with his deep brown eyes.

"Your eyes...so intense...so beautiful as the first day I met you" he said in awe as I gasped. Then he slowly came closer, reaching my lips with his in a delicate embrace. My body froze for a while, enjoying the sensation as time went by.

We broke apart once we were out of breath. "I didn't knew I was away for 2 years."

"You've been in my visions ever since" I replied. "It started shortly after the war ended. I thought you were dead, but your words...the way you called me..."

He frowned. "I don't remember any of that"

"Y-You don't?" I asked in confusion. "Don't lie Kawaki. You called me almost every night. You even said that the world is in danger."

"I'm not lying. I didn't said any of those things. I lost consciousness right away.."

My heart was beating fast. "B-But your traces of chakra..All the clues...your words.. You don't remember any of that?"

"No." he replied before pushing me to him into a hug. "All I know is that I've missed you. I was worried about your safety. But now is all over, we're together."

"Y-Yeah..." I said while sighing in frustration. He really doesn't remember? Then what happened to him when he was away? Did we wasted time looking for him outside from the village?


"So, where he'll be staying?" Inojin asked while drawing in his notebook. ChoCho was beside him eating some potatoes.

"Sarada said he'll stay at the hospital for a couple of days, right?" she asked to the Uchiha heiress who was sitting on a tree, inmersed on her thoughts. "Hey, Sarada!"

"She's pacing out again" Shikadai commented.

"She's doing it more frequently" Mitsuki added.

"Is because Himawari's taking her place in Sasuke-san's life. That could open a gate of jealousy" Inojin said before ChoCho punched his head.

"No, idiot. Is because of Kawaki. We barely know him and he has worked for both sides during the war. He was away for 2 years and then suddenly appears coincidentially after Himawari's back at the village. This doesn't seem right." she said while moving from the tree.

"So you think he's a tool for something bigger? That's a serious accusation Sarada. You need evidence. Besides, he doesn't remember half of the things Hima said, he said on her visions." Shikadai explained.

"Are you gonna tell me this doesn't have a funky smell? You know way better than I, Shikadai."

"I'm not denying anything. I'm just saying that we need evidence. Is troublesome, but it has to be done."

"Then what should we do?" Mitsuki asked.

"Earn his trust" Shikadai said. "Once we do that, he'll tell us everything he knows."

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