Chapter 29 ( Supposed.)

Start from the beginning

Of course it was gone! What did you expect? You're kidnapped.

My inner voice scolded me. I can't stay like this. I have to do something.

So I did what most girls of my age do when they're in my place.

They scream.

So I screamed on the top of my lungs.

"HELP! I'M KIDNAPPED. PLEASE HELP ME, I'M HUNGRY AND THIRSTY. I'M GONNA DIE." Okay that was overreacting... But what I was supposed to do!

I heard an angry footsteps coming to my direction. I gulped suddenly regretting my decision for screaming.

The door burst open and an angry guy stepped in. His body was built up, he looked young at his early twenties and had tattoos all over his body with piercing gray eyes. He was wearing a gray sweatpants and black T-shirt.

"What the fuck?" He asked angry and sleeping signs was clear on his face.

Shit, I just woke up my kidnapper and he is angry. I took a deep breath and straightened my back rising my nose high showing so much confidence and I dared to talk.

"Who are you?" I asked my tone was sharp and I was suddenly brave.

"None of your damn business." He snarled at me which made my blood boil.

"Are you insane. You're kidnapping me and saying it's not my business." I spatted out.

"Don't. You. Dare!" He said calmly yet dangerously taking threatening steps towards me. My heart was gonna burst out of my chest and breathing became hard.

"Why a-am I h-here?" I tried to form words but my tongue was tied and cold sweat broke on my forehead.

"That's not my place to tell you." He said turning around ready to leave.

"Wait!" I called not masking my emotions anymore, the desperation, fear and panic were evident on my face.

He turned around waited for me to talk. "I'm hungry and thirsty. I need to use the bathroom too. Please!" I pleaded.

Who can blame me, my bladder was gonna explode and I wanted to get out of the room at any cost.

I have to know my escape ways, I have to find a phone and most importantly I have to eat.

I looked at him and he seemed like thinking. "Okay, I'll let you go to the bathroom. But if you try anything stupid you'll regret it." He warned looking deadly serious and I nodded.

He held my forearm in a iron grip dragging me in a hallway. The walls was a creamy color and looked old.

We reached a door which I assume is a bathroom. He pushed the door open reliving a big bathroom. Not so big but I expected a bucket like the kidnaps in the movies.

Surprisingly it was clean and looke- "You have 5 minutes." His voice cut off my thoughts and I nodded entering the bathroom locking the door behind me.

I did my business and washed my hands, face and pulled my frizzy messy hair in a bun with the robber band that was tied on my wrist.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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