Chapter 32

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                               Her story

Healing sucks, I can't do much of anything, but I am getting coddled by a very attentive Alex. He cooks every meal, leaves only long enough to check on the office and then returns. I'm glad that he doesn't want to leave my side, although part of me wishes he'd just go to work. He's driving me nuts bouncing around the house, making little projects to keep himself busy, while I busy myself with finishing my book, the one about our story.

I no longer need to use it as a way to get back at Conner, he won't see the light of day again but for some reason I feel the need to finish it.

Apparently, those girls that I helped escape weren't the only women that found their way home when Alex was arrested. With his confession and intel, they were able to take down several human trafficking organizations, but they are still out there. It's only a matter of time before another woman comes up missing without a trace.

I read the news a lot lately, wondering if missing persons are really missing or if they have been forced into a life of solitude by their captors, sold off as a slave or worse. My heart drops at the mere mention that another woman or child has gone missing. I can only hope that my book brings light to the horrors that await, unless women learn to protect themselves. That's why I finished it, I wanted the world to know that these things really do happen. That our world is filled with sick people who kidnap and sell women and children to make a quick buck.

"The book is finished," I say as Alex enters the room.

"Have you sent it to Christian already?" He asks lowering himself to the bed beside me.

"I nod, letting him read the last half of the book. He has already read most of it, learning a few things as he went, like that I had planned on staying with him here on the island until I was raped. That cut him deep, but we have decided that everything worked out in the end, we have no need to dwell on the past. We started over, with the knowledge from the past but letting go of the pain that it caused each of us.

Writer's Block (Complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon