"Baby.. I'm sorry I-"

"If you're actually doing this for surprise, then you're stupid. At least think of a better one than to ignore your other half!"

Yoongi yelled as he turned around and walked away from Jungkook who looked dumbfounded and shocked.

"How did he know.."


"Joon, wake up.. We arrived after many hours.."

Junmyeon said as he gently swiped his hand through Namjoon's soft hair. Namjoon woke up with a pout and widen his as he stared at the huge castle, Jungkook's was bigger but Namjoon can't see much because it was too dark on his side. He can only see the silhouette of Jungkook's castle.

Junmyeon helped Namjoon off the wagon with his gentleman hand. His maids and butler's widen their eyes seeing a human inside the demon world. Actually surviving.

Maids were whispering rude words towards Namjoon. The human lowered his head as he walked passed them.

"Look at him, so boney. It's disgusting."

"Why is he even here?"

"Our King wouldn't be too happy seeing a human step foot inside his castle-"

"Sew that mouth, or I'll do it myself."

Junmyeon interrupted, a loud coming from his tone. The maids shut their mouths and quickly looked down.

"Mind you, that you guys are just mere peasants who work for my little brother and I. You have no right to talk like that! Understood!"

Junmyeon snapped. The maids gulped knowing it was true.

"W-we are s-so sorry-"

"Just get out-all of you! Leave our sight!"

The maids scrambled out and went back into doing their business. Junmyeon rests his hand behind Namjoon's back to guide him inside the castle.

Namjoon's eyes scanned the interior of the castle and eyed paintings. His eyes widen seeing the same guy who was in his dream. Jin.

His picture was in front of the entrance, it was stuck on the big wall while the painting of Jin was also huge. You don't even need to be on the stairs to see, his picture was gigantic. Namjoon thought Jin is really good looking.

"Kind of sucks, my brother go to be King. Even though, he always leave his duties out and I have to do all the work."

Namjoon looked over at Junmyeon after staring at the huge picture of Jin.

"How come you guys had to fight for the positon?"

"My father, I don't know what went in his mind. He just said, if both of us want the seat, we have to fight. Brother to brother. Jin won.."

Junmyeon said as he scratched his nape. Namjoon stared and hummed.

"You let him win, huh."


Junmyeon asked, shocked.

"You let him win. I can see it in your eyes. You care about him alot. You lost on purpose so your little brother can be happy. You chose his happiness over yours."

Namjoon said. Junmyeon looked at Namjoon shocked.

"Wow.. You are right. I did let him win. I adore my little borther very much, when he was born he was the cutest to me. I was always happy seeing him cling to me. Even though I had to practice some royalty work, he always came and cheered me up while I was stressed.

"When he first said my name, it made me happy.  When he gets mad, I get mad. When he gets sad, I get sad. If he is happy, then I'm happy. I'd rather see my little brother smiling then frowning.

"I was actually supposed to be the next King in line, it was settled. But then, Jin wanted to also be King. He studied hard and got up to my level quicker than I did when I was younger. Even so, I let him to whatever..

"As his big brother, I wanted to give him his happiness.."

Junmyeon said as he glanced at Namjoon. He took Namjoon by the hand and smiled.

"I know you don't have feelings for me. I brought you here for a reason. I brought you here to fix your relationship with my brother. You two are soulmates, I cannot take you away from my little brother, and I would never force you to love me.

"I hate to see my little brother crying. He might now know but, I hear him. I'm sure he regrets his actions. Please, forgive my brother. Hw is stressed and dissatisfied right now."

Namjoon stared at Junmyeon shocked. How can he be so kind? Namjoon thought.


"Please, Namjoon. Seeing Jin in pain is heart breaking to me. Yes, I know, you hate him. But you two are bound by a string, and I can tell.. That.. That both of your strings never got cut. It's still tied, trying to pull you to him."

"B-but I'm.. I'm scared.. The dream I saw was so.. Real.. It felt real.."

"It wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare. Nightmares aren't meant to come true, they are meant to be forgotten."

Junmyeon said as he caressed Namjoon's cheek. The human leaned in to his touch relaxing a bit more.

"Okay, I-I'll try-"

"What is going on?"


So, school is about to start...

I am fine(sarcasm)

I'm just scared that I might not be able to update more faster than usual. I only have a week left and I still have no shit for school😑

I'll still update though. I just feel bad for my other ff's bc they have never been updated😂I should really update on them but I can't think for those anymore.

I'm so focused on this book. And I'm so scared that I'll be so busy in school that I won't be able to update faster.

Welp, goodluck to me.

And guys, there is this gym teacher thats apparently a pedo😨

I've seen him, and I thought he was a pretty nice old man, but then my friend said he would look at the girls ass in his class and would like touch or caress your hand if you do something wrong😬

Again, good luck to me😩

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