15 "Let it all out"

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~Chapter 15: His Secret~

It's been a week since Trip and Lida got together (and I still feel uncomfortable about it after about a month in reality). They still joked and acted like best friends, with an occasional flirt from Trip once and awhile. 

Rose and Kevin were similar, except that Rose tried her best to make her boyfriend flush, seeing how freaking adorable he is when he does so. Damn, that boy's way too adorable for his own good.

Emma usually teased and sassed the others quite a lot, but nervous and shy around Ryan. Yup, the raven head had developed a crush on the blond boy and the others constantly teased her about it. Mostly Rose, since the blonde girl found this the perfect chance for her revenge. Not the evil kind, just kinda like a friendly revenge, I guess.

Ryan was his usual cheerful, dorky self, while a bit more nervous around Emma, who he had a huge crush on, sometimes a flirt or a pick up line slipping out, resulting in both of them blushing bright red and stuttering. The only ones that teased him about this were Lida and Kevin, seeing as they were his best friends.

But, even though the third couple seemed so close to getting together, the author of the stories had different plans in mind. But, since nobody was aware of the author's existence in the first place, they were having a normal day. 

The brunette was talking with her friends, excited to no end because their next concert was on that same day. Not only that, but they were both gonna be singing new songs! Yup, the author finally got inspiration after struggling for like a month. I should stop insulting myself.

"Are you guys hyped?" Lida asked, barely containing her own excitement. "Kind of" Kevin replied, bored as can be. "I guess..." Ryan muttered, receiving a shocked look from his friend. "What... Who... What happened? You're never not excited about a concert!" She exclaimed.

"Nothing... I'm just not feeling well!" He lied. "If you're not-" "Don't say a word. I'm not sick, I've just been having a hard time with homework" The blond interrupted. Kevin raised an eyebrow, "I thought you've been improving ever since I started tutoring you" 

"W-Well, you know me! I'm dumb! Even with your help its still hard for me!" Ryan stuttered, trying to cover up his lies. The other two gave in and agreed with the blond. Although, it did sound fishy, since Ryan had too big of an ego to admit he was stupid.

The trio walked off to the their respective groups, preparing before the big concert.

When the time came, Artsy Bloom went first and sung the song Lix wrote in her childhood (aka now, cause I'm 12), Chillin' On A Balcony Chair. The boys, on the other hand, sung a brand new song called 'Let it all out'.

"On the times where people get under my skin, I just need a place to think, a place where I can be on my own with no distractions"

"But, most of the time, people crowd around my face, asking if I was alright, giving me no space to get to my happy place"

"Just ignore them and dashed passed them all, trying my best to ignore the voices calling my name from behind"

"Then, I reached a grassy field near the sea, covered from the outside world by the bushes, like a window, an escape, from everything"

"Nobody can hear you now, so go ahead and scream aloud, let all your emotions out!"

"Release your loudest scream, cry your loudest of tears, no one's stopping you now!"

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