6"Asking Her"

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Lida's POV

"Trip, do you have to?" I asked the soon-to-be dead boy. "Well, I have their dorm key, so why shouldn't I?" He smirked in reply. "Yeah, but Kevin already wants to murder me for the fan-art, are you sure this prank won't cause your death?" I asked, kinda worried because if he was killed by Kevin, I'd have to sit with Razz. Gross. 

"Yes" He rolled his eyes, setting up the music thing. "How does this work?" I questioned the mechanism in front of mine. "Well, this container is filled with ice cold water and will fall at whoever opens the door. I'll place it on position later. This little thingy plays the song, which in this case is "Kiss The Girl" from the Little Mermaid and will be triggered by this super thin string" He explained. I mouthed a "Damn, son". 

"Well, anyways, they should be coming here to pick up some stuff soon" Trip pointed out, setting up the trap and closing the door. "Yeah, all four shall come by soon. You know, to get their laptops, sketchpads and notebooks" I smirked mischievously.

All four walked by us. "Hey guys, what're you doing out here?" Kevin asked suspiciously. "I was waiting for Ryan. I always go to Poetry with him" Trip explained, "So Lix and I decided to chat out here" He smirked. "Okay..." He glared, but shook it off.

Everyone sat outside for a minute. Kevin opened the door and I heard the bucket fall. In a minute, he was absolutely soaked and the song Trip set up played. Kevin spat out water. "Are you serious? Trip! Now I have to change my clothes! You are so dead when I'm not soaked!" He walked inside angrily. Trip and Ryan immediately run off and I went to Animation on my own.

Huh? The results for the Fall Auditions? The guys were second, Crimson Explosion was third, Darkness was fourth, we were fifth and the Crystal Sirens somehow got first place.

Kevin's POV

I changed to a white t-shirt and a pair of black sports pants. I felt a lot more comfortable. I walked outside with my laptop, not surprised that everyone was already gone. Well, everyone except Rose. We walk to class together since we both take technology classes.

We just quietly walked there. When we reached the room, we started working on our bands' websites. "Um..."

"Hey Rose, something wrong?" I asked, peeking at her computer. "I can't change the background for the website. Lida sent me a new background and logo, but I don't know how to use them!"

"Here" I helped her out so she could get today's update over with. In my case, I posted a music video of 'Songwriter' on the Blazing Rockers website. But, the whole time, something else was in my mind. Asking her. Ryan said I should and I want to but, she'll, she'll say no! I know she'll decline!

When the bell rang, I had no control over my movement. "Rose?" I asked. "Yeah?"

I had caught her attention and my face was as red as a tomato. "W-will y-you b-be m-my..."

Rose's POV

His face was bright red and he looked really cute. "W-will y-you b-be m-my..." He stuttered. Was he asking me to be his girlfriend? He can't be, it's not possible. "D-d-date to t-the f-fall f-formal?" He finished his sentence. 

Being the date of my crush? I figured out that my crush on him is bigger than expected and going to a dance with him, dancing with him, slow dancing with him... I remembered something. I had to answer. My face heated up. "I-I'd l-love t-to be your d-date for the f-fall f-formal..." I stuttered. "It's fine, I knew you'd decline- Wait. Did you say yes?"

I nodded. I felt someone push me into a tight embrace. Kevin just hugged me. I was blushing so much... "Um..." "OH! S-sorry!" He let go of me.

I shook my blush off, as the bell rang. "See you later Kevin" I winked. Why did I just do that?

Kevin's POV

She winked at me... My face was redder than a tomato. Literally freaking crimson. I walked away.

Classes after that weren't interesting. Last period just ended. I went out of the classroom and saw something terrifying. Alex, one of the Darkness idiots, pinning Rose against the wall and flirting with her. He didn't allow her to move away from him. What a butt! I can't see this for a minute longer.

Lida's POV

I was walking down the hallway when I saw one of the Dark Butts, Alex. He was pinning Rose against the wall. What? This dork is so dead! I looked next to them. Kevin. He was mad!

"What do you think you're doing?" The raven head asked. MEH SHIP! Wait... No... "I'm about to kiss a pretty girl" "Oh really now? Then here's a classic little act. Leave her alone. F**k off" BOWTIEBOY SWORE! I THOUGHT HE DIDN'T DARE TO DO IT OUTSIDE OF PHONE CALL! "Why should I?" "Because Rose would never be near a butt like you" "Oh. Why should I believe you?"

"Because I have a demon friend that can beat you up" He smirked referring to me. D'awww! He walked away. "You okay?" "Y-yes... WAIT WERE YOU LISTENING IN THE WHOLE TIME?" She pointed at me. "I walked by. Irony is back. Help." "Huh?"

"Let me guess. You were listening to music and you got the music in the pokemon anime when they save the day after a difficult battle exactly when you walked by." "Yup"

Kevin told me.... everything. Well, he told me AND Ryan. We were squealing a lot when we heard he got the guts to ask her to be his date to the dance! I'm literally wanting to  take a picture of them and write something cutesy. What is that cute something? KAWAII~DESU!

My sister made me like this. Donut judge. If you judge I'm going to cut you- No. I'MA CUT U! 

Pft. I'm so immature. Well. Doesn't matter, meh ship is sailing, I'm going to die, they're perfect together!


Hi. I'm being awesome. I'm making meh ship sail.

If you ship it, comment on this line telling me that you ship it.


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