11"Having a Crush on Her"

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Narrator's POV

"What is this feeling? I wonder if I'll ever understand. What is this feeling? Is there a logical reason over this? What am I feeling? I feel like this is wrong, but I have no control over it." A brunette sang, her voice echoing throughout her bedroom. She then glanced at her paper and sighed at the lack of words on her notebook page, a frown forming on her face.

"Ugh, where's my creativity when I need it? I thought getting this feelings off my chest without revealing any emotions and just writing a new song, but I can't even do this!" The girl smacked her fist on her desk. She then heard a light knock on the door. "Hey Lix? Can I come in?"

Lida blushed at the owner of the voice. Why was she feeling this way? That question ran through her mind. "S-Sure" She stuttered. The boy opened the room, his black hair sparkling in the room's light. 

The brunette had gotten to know Trip pretty well in the past few months. He was a real prankster and loved to tease and annoy Ryan and Kevin all the time. He was extremely loud and energetic, not really a sports person, but an outgoing one. He makes friends anywhere he goes and has the dreams of possibly being either a professional drummer, a poet or a comedian. All three suited him really well.

"What's up?" Lida smiled, shaking off her unknown emotions. "I have a crush on this girl and don't know how to tell her... Can you give me some advice? I thought an experienced 'shipper' like you would be able to help me out..." Trip replied nervously. "Sure, who do you like?"

It felt wrong that she did't react in a way a normal person would, but she didn't care. "This may sound very weird, but, I've talked with this person and they are nicer than I originally thought." The brunette simply blinked, already having a bad feeling about the topic.

"I have a crush on someone you despise, someone you call a ship-wrecker, someone you call a female dog from the fiery pits of hell." He couldn't bring himself to confess it. "Get to the point already"

"My crush is Violet White" The boy gulped, unsure of how his friend would react. Lida choked a bit, her face turning a very feint shade of green. "Oh, then what advice do you need?" The boy looked at the floor. "On how to talk to her." "Be yourself." "But-" "I had enough of this. Leave my room!"

When the door was closed behind her, the brunette covered herself below her covers, many tears forcing themselves down her cheeks. The same question flashed in her mind nonstop. Why am I feeling this way? Why is my heart hurting? Everything turned dark. 

In Trip's room, he heard sniffling from the dorm while talking to Ryan from his computer. "Wait... Is someone crying in your room?" Trip asked. "You're an idiot. I'm on my way." "Why-" He was caught off by the doorbell.

At the moment when Trip opened the door, Ryan and Kevin barged in. "What's with you two?" "Our best friend is crying, that's what." Trip's eyes widened. "Lix? She's not crying, I talked to her 5 seconds ago-" "You told her who you like, didn't you?" When he received a nod from the boy, he wanted to break something.

Kevin rolled his eyes. "Who does he like?" The duo were afraid of that question. "She's related to you, older than you, you want to stab her, she ruined your love life and she mentally abused you" The blond replied. "Violet. Seriously? Now, not only will Ryan's ship not sail, but Trip is getting together with the worst option possible"

Trip still didn't get it. "She's crying because of you." As soon as that was said, Trip attempted to walk inside. "No. You harmed her enough today. I'll check on her. C'mon Kevin"

They heard loud tears and faint, shaky and teared apart voices. "LIX!" The two boys yelled in sync. "Are you alright?"

"Guys?" The girl got out of her cover. Her face was bright red, puffed up and hurt. They both hugged her. "What happened?" "I don't know... Every single body part I have is hurting, mostly my heart."

The two boys helped her cheer up and made her feel better. She felt a lot better.

Throughout the week, she kept running into Trip, who was hanging out with Violet. Lida turned around and ignored them every time, until today, that is.

"Lix, I'm sorry I'm spending so much time with Violet, I understand that you don't enjoy her existence. You're one of my greatest friends and I hate watching you stay mad at me. So, please, forgive me! I'll be in the dorm more often! Totally forgot that you can't cook! Maybe I could teach you how?" He flashed his friend a small smile.

The brunette sighed and forgave him. "Sorry I reacted this way. I may hate Violet, but if she makes you happy, go for it. I do hate the lack of food, glad you'll be in the dorm more often. And sure, you can teach me how to cook." Lida told him. The boy hugged her and squealed a silent 'thank you!'

The girl giggled and was about to hug back, but then, the Fire nation attacked. I mean, then the Violet nation showed up. Err, Violet showed up. She coughed loudly, signalling the duo to stop.

When they stopped, Violet grabbed Lida's hand and dragged her to the Janitor's closet. "Listen, you teen tomboyish ugly thing, Trip is mine. I don't care about any connection you may have with him, but, stay away from my future boyfriend." She glared.

 "1. I don't like him that way. 2. He's my roommate, I can't. 3. I couldn't care less about your stupid little life. I'm not popping up to inconvenience you, I'm near him because he's one of my best friends." Lida crossed her arms, the door shutting behind her. 'I just roasted Violet, didn't I? Mediocre at best' She thought.


The squad is back!

So, welcome to the Tulipshipping story arc of the book.

I love writing des songs for this book. I didn't say 'Le' because 'Le' means 'the' for male objects that aren't plural while 'Des' is 'the' for all da plurals. That's French btw.


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