14 "A Tulip Blossoms"

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I'll be doing a new writing style. Just so ya know.

*Chapter 15: A Tulip Blossoms*

It was nighttime. A certain brunette was sitting on the small balcony of her side of the dorm, quietly humming song lyrics as she watched the rain fall to the ground.

As Lida sang, she glanced at her bandaged arm and stopped singing. Her mind exploded with ways to tell him. To tell him that his love interest was a jerk. She sighed, grabbing her phone and giving her two best friends a text.

Lix Author
Hey you two awake?

She typed, mentally face-palming for even texting them. 'They're probably asleep and I might've woke them up!' Lida screeched in her thoughts.

Totally Not Ryan Stone
Yeah, I'm up. What's up Lix?

The brunette's eyes slightly widened and she was about to reply, but another text was sent in their group chat.

Kevin is a Moron
Hello Lida. I'm awake, slowly awaiting the moment when I can change my user name after a STUPID BLOND (aka Ryan) STOLE MY PHONE!

Lida giggled, trying her best not to burst into laughter. 'Classic Ryan' She thought. With a small smile, she typed a reply to the duo.

Lix Author
I want to tell you how I got the cut.

Totally Not Ryan Stone
Really? Plez start right away then!

With a roll of the eyes, Lida begun typing in the whole story. 'My fingers are gonna hurt after this' The brunette complained within her thoughts.

Lix Author
I got a letter telling me to go to an old classroom. I got there, and Violet told me to back off of Trip. I told her no and she told Alex and Kyle, who were also in the room, to deal with me. They pinned me to the wall and gave me the cut with a pocket knife.

After that, the brown eyed girl stopped hanging by the balcony's railing and sat down on her wooden balcony chair. She smiled and closed her eyes, relaxing by the wind. Her relaxation was interrupted by two dings, one after the other.

Kevin is a Moron
SHE DID WHAT? I AM GOING TO KILL HER. Ugh, we gotta tell Rose, Emma and Trip!

Totally Not Ryan Stone
I knew those guys were trouble! They ain't getting away with it. Let's tell the others and confront those morons tomorrow!

Lida smirked at her friends, typing in a reply that would make both growl.

Lix Author

Dang, never thought you two idiots would think of something smart. Anyways, I can't tell Trip because he likes Violet!

Kevin is a Moron

You'd rather have him date a girl that you know he'd be unhappy with? Lida, Trip cares about you. Heck, he might even have a crush on you but doesn't realize because he likes Violet. He deserves to know and so do the others.

Totally Not Ryan Stone
As much as I want to support you Lix, I gotta agree with the dummy of the group. You gotta tell him. If you don't tell him by the time I have a class with him, I'll say it myself.

Lix Author
2. Ryan, you are the dummy of the group.

She received a complaint from the blond, making her chuckle as she typed a goodnight.

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