13"The Cut"

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*WARNING: The following chapter includes physical violence. If you are sensitive to such violence I would suggest skipping this chapter. I will explain it simply in the Author's Note*

Narrator's  POV

Today is the day that the brown-eyed girl feared most. On this rainy day, Trip Skye was going to be asking Violet White to be his girlfriend. To the young brunette, those were horrid news because, although she's still way too stubborn to admit it, she had developed a crush on the periwinkle-eyed boy.

Although the brunette was aware that the crystal blue-eyed snob was simply using Trip, Lida refused to tell him the truth. 

It was still a simple school day, students trying their hardest to concentrate during the final period of the day. Sighs of relief were heard when the school bell begun to ring. Lida closed her backpack's zipper and placed the backpack straps over her shoulders.

The brunette was about to walk off, but then, due to a strong breeze coming through the window, a small piece of paper ripped from a notebook fluttered from her desk to the ground. The brown-eyed girl picked it up from the wooden floor, carefully analyzing the note. 

'Dear Leda,

I have something very important to tell you. Please come and meet me at the unused classroom labeled number 104.

Hope to see you soon,
A Human'

Lida growled slightly, before letting out a disappointed sigh. "Why can't anyone spell my name correctly?" The girl thought aloud. "Well, I guess meeting this person wouldn't be a bad thing." Lida told to herself, starting to walk over to the meeting place.

(A/N I would think about it twice if I were you...) 

The brunette took a step inside of the unused classroom, only to be greeted by Violet, Alex and Kyle. Lida begun to shiver slightly, releasing a gulp. Her brown eyes were sparkling with fear.

"I've told you this one thousand times, stay away from Trip!" Violet squeaked angrily. "And for the thousand time, no. I'm not isolating myself from all of my friends ever again." Lida replied, obviously tired of the curly raven headed girl.

"FINE! IF YOU DON'T WANNA LISTEN THEN I'LL MAKE YOU! KYLE, ALEX, DEAL WITH HER FOR ME! I HAVE A DATE WITH TRIP TO ATTEND TO!" Violet whined, stomping out of the classroom. The brunette heard mischievous snickers from the boys in front of her.

The duo begun to chase Lida around, attempting to corner her. The scary glares shot from the two band members made her heart beat speedily from the fear.  

At one point, she could no longer run away. The two boys had her completely trapped. Kyle begun to pull up the girl's sleeve, while Alex was searching for something in his pocket. The green-eyed blond soon wiped out a pocket knife with a very shiny, sharp blade. Lida's eyes widened and she begun struggling to escape.


Kyle was keeping the brunette in place, while Alex was slowly moving the knife towards her arm. Lida, frightened as ever, begun to cry. The sadness and fear in the young girl's eyes made their evil grins widen. Lida was panting fearfully, scared of what would happen next.

Alex grinned as he swung his knife on the victim's arm, giving the arm a large cut. The girl begun to feel dizzy as blood spilled out of her arm. She eventually fainted onto the floor, a small puddle of blood beneath her arm.

The two boys smirked, walking away. In the hallway, they encountered Trip, who was looking for his best friend. "Hey, have you seen Lida? I haven't seen her in awhile and I need her help with something." The boy asked.

Alex and Kyle replied with a no. Trip saw them walk away, but soon begun to scan the old hallways. He carefully analyzed each an every classroom. Eventually, he found room 104. 

When he looked at the wooden floor, he saw his friend unconscious with a large cut in her arm. His eyes widened in shock as he reached over and begun carrying her to the Nurse's office on his shoulders.

After the Nurse begun to treat the hurt girl, Trip typed a message and sent it to their group chat.

Trip Skye
Guys, I found Lix. She was unconscious and badly injured in an old classroom. I took her to the Nurse's office and the the Nurse said that it isn't anything serious. She lost a bit of blood and someone made a deep cut on the upper part of her right arm.

After mere seconds, the periwinkle-eyed boy received replies from all his friends, informing him that they're on their way. 

Soon after, all four were in front of him, panting heavily. At that second, the school nurse walked out. "Your friend is waking up. You should go see her" With those words said, all five rushed inside. 

They saw the brunette wide awake on a chair, her arm covered up with a bandage. "Lida!" The five exclaimed in unison. The injured girl rubbed her eyes, releasing a loud yawn. "Hola friends! What's up?" Lida asked, slightly sleepy.

"What's up?!? We haven't seen you all day and when we finally see you, you're at the Nurse's office! We were worried sick!" Kevin explained angrily as Ryan growled. Trip sighed at how protective they were of their best friend, giving his friend a smile. He hugged his friend, making her blush a pastel pink. 

"Stop being overprotective. I'm still alive, aren't I?" Lida pointed out, making the duo sigh and slowly nod. "Lix, when I find out who did this to you, I'll kill them" Trip muttered, receiving nods from all of his friends, except the brunette, who started thinking negatively. She didn't want to ruin her friend's love life.

The same night, Lida was trying her best to fall asleep. Every time she changed her position, it didn't help at all. Her bed had suddenly lost all of its comfortableness. She sighed and got up, beginning to write another song. 'How am I supposed to tell him?' She thought.


Firstly, have a short and less violent explanation of what happened. Kyle and Alex made a deep cut in Lix's upper arm with a pocket knife. It wasn't deep. It was like getting a body part scratched on a sharp part of a metal chair. It hurts and it bleeds.

Next chapter is the Tulipshipping special. After that, I'll introduce two new songs.

Later Friends~!

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