9"The Fall Formal, Part 2"

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Kevin's POV (Le chapter will switch between Kevin and Rose's point of views and maybe someone else's)

We walked over to the auditorium. It was very loud and dark and flashing lights covered the area nonstop. Heat was rising up to my face and I don't blame myself. My date was my long time crush and she looked as beautiful as ever. My face was bright red, almost like a tomato. 

When we walked in, I could tell it wasn't going to be a night of just dancing and smiling. Why? Well, my 'fiancee' was here. I wasn't engaged to her, but my parents said I had to do so. Makes no sense since they were trying to get Sparky and my female dog sister together. 

Anyways, Mia was here. Same with Violet, Minty and Lilac. Oh and the darkness idiots; Kyle, Razz, and, the worst one, Alex. I knew this wasn't going to be an easy night, but, I know that if they actually try to mess something up a certain demonic brunette brat and a mischievous little blond were going to take care of them.  

But, I'm not going to get down on myself though. I know my friends want to make me happy and I want to be happy, so I'll still try. When we reached the dance floor, an idea popped up in my head. 'Should I? You know what, why not. Tonight, I'm gonna have a good time, or my name is not Kevin White' I thought.

I walked up to Rose. "May I have this dance?" I asked. She blushed a bit. "Alright" Rose replied. We stared to dance to the music and I could tell that Lida and Ryan were squealing. How? I saw them squeaking in my line of sight. Suddenly, a smirk formed on my face. "I love this song!" Lida squeaked. "If so, wanna dance?" Trip asked her. She was flustered. "But I can't dance" She replied. "And you're never gonna learn if you don't try" He smirked. The brunette rolled her eyes. "Fine"

The duo started dancing, Rose and I continuing as well. Now, it was time for the last 'shipmates', as Lida calls it, to dance to the beat together. Eventually, it happened. "Hey Emma, want to dance? Everyone else is dancing and it looks fun!" Ryan flashed his usual grin. "O-okay" Emma replied. There's the shyness Rose told everyone about! 

As soon as they started dancing, random fan girls in the dancing crowd were muttering 'who is she?', 'who does this girl think she is?', 'how dare she steal my future husband?' and such. You can tell who said the last one. Ryan did really good ignoring them. I'm gonna congratulate him after all of this.

Everything was fun and its almost time to leave. Slow-dancing was really enjoyable. I even noticed the stubborn brat, aka Lida, blush. I'll use that for blackmail later.  

Violet's POV

I saw my brother dance with some random girl. He should know how long it took me to convince mother to engage him to Mia! "Vi, tell your brother not to dance with other girls. Especially members of that stupid Trashy Plume band!" Mia told me. "Your wish is my command. Besides, it'll be fun to beat him up some more"

I smiled. "Kevin White, come with me right away" I told him. "Ugh, sure?" He replied. I heard him tell that stupid blonde girl that he'll be back soon. Ugh. I hate blondes. They always bothered me. It's not that I hate all of them and want them to die, well kind off, I just hate the ones I know.

"Kevin. I told you very clearly that you had to fall in love with Mia. Not only did you completely ignore her like an idiot, you went behind her back and started to be near a blonde b***. I worked very hard to get mother to agree to this. So, Mia will come here in a bit. Be nice" I instructed him.

Kevin's POV

"Hey Kevin!" I almost puked. That spoiled brat! "I just wanted to tell you that I'm madly in love with you. My parents and your parents came into an agreement against our union, which really saddened me." She told me. I'm free? Finally! "So, I was wondering if you would let me show my affection. Pft, why would't you?" She smirked. 

My face turned a bit green. That stupid girl went ahead and kissed me on the lips. 

Rose's POV

I walked out. Kevin was gone for a while and I wanted to check on him-

My eyes widened. I can't believe this. Kevin, my crush, was making out with that stupid Mia! My heart hurt. Almost like it was shattering before my eyes. I could hear glass breaking. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks. "How could you?!?!"

They stopped. "Rose?!?!" He questioned. "You're just a stupid player! How dare you do this to my poor heart?!?!" I yelled. "Rose, it's not what it looks like, I didn't mean to-" He walked towards me. "Stay away from me you stupid butt-hole!" I yelled, running away with teary eyes.

Kevin's POV

"What was that for?!?! You broke her heart!"

"But, don't you love me? I'm beautiful and she's hideous!"

"I don't care about what you think of  her! I love Rose and only Rose! Get out of my sight you stupid b***!"

That's all I remember. I ran to the bathroom. I heard a knock. "Kevin? Are you in there?" I heard Ryan's voice. "Y-yeah" I muttered. "Everything alright? I saw what happened back there"

"No. Nothing's alright. I broke my crush's heart. I hurt the one I love. Who wouldn't feel awful about such a thing?" I cried. "Don't worry. I'm here for you" I smiled at Ryan's sentence. Oh Rock head.

Narrator's POV

At the girls' bathroom, young Lida just found out what happened to her crying friend. She was furious. "HE WHAT?!?!" She yelled. Emma just slowly nodded to her friend's angry scream. The brunette stomped her foot in anger and walked off.

The boy she was looking for visibly shook. "KEVIN WHITE YOU ARE SO DEAD!" Lida yelled.


Do you want to crush some ships?
I promise that I'll fix them after a while.
I know that you're probably mad at me,

But let's face, I gave you guys a hint.
I wish I could control it, but I had to,

I simply adore romantic drama!

Do you want to crush some ships?
You don't have to crush one that's cannon.

Okay bye.

Sorry for my bad joke guys. Too perfect. Also, I will repair this ship very soon. Donut worry, boat repair people are on it.


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