Chapter Twenty One

Start from the beginning

"You weren't boring at all, you were wonderful," Beth whispered, becoming shy for the first time in her life. Jude gave Mandy a shrewd nudge.

"I'm glad you thought so, extremely glad," he murmured, pulling his hand through his hair to deter it from reaching out and touching her face. Beth looked at her feet bashfully, pink blush seeping boldly into her cheeks.  Not in all the years I'd known her had she blushed for a boy.

"Anyone want another coffee or anything?" Jude interceded sweetly before adding, "So I can go get it before I'm sick." Mandy tittered slyly, excusing it as a cough with her hand. I shot her a disapproving look before checking Beth and Nate hadn't heard. They had both relocated to the sofa so they could have a more intimate conversation. "Guess not then," Jude said, leaving to get Mandy and my refills.

"You know I'm so used to having Soph around now that I miss her when she's not here," Mandy confessed, while plonking herself onto the sofa. I joined her but only in sitting, not so much in sentiment.

Sophia had to go away to work. It wasn't a particularly big case so only Sophia and Mack had been sent out. Still, it was a horrible fate to comprehend. I actually felt sorry for the terrors she must have had to face. Mandy, however, didn't know that, she couldn't know that.

"I suppose whatever she had to do instead was really important, it would have had to have been to miss this." Mandy sighed, slouching into her chair and played spectator as Beth and Nate seduced one another.

"She can be the little temptress when she wants to be," Jude huffed, the envy slipping through her teeth. My hot chocolate, Mandy's cappuccino and Jude's black coffee were laden on a small round tray. I took mine and cradled it in my hands, like I had the first, deciding not to comment.

This was normal and beautiful because of it. 

For the remainder of the night that was how it was. Jude, Mandy and I sat quietly chatting and sipping our drinks. Beth and Nate were curled up on opposite ends of the sofa but instinctively grew closer as the minutes passed. They mingled, heads close together, so they could whisper intent secrets to one another.

When it was time meet Jude's dad we all rose. Beth tore her gaze away from Nate in surprise.

"Where are you going? Surely we don't have to go yet."  

"We have to go meet Jude's dad," Mandy replied smiling at Nate. He was occupied in finding something in his back pocket. He withdrew a pen from his jeans and then rummaged about for a piece of paper. I held out my cast. Beth peered at me gratefully then and studied Nate as he scribbled his number in a small space on my arm. Jude gagged before leading the way out of the coffee shop.

Finally, goodbyes said, we shadowed Jude and stepped up onto the deserted street. We could hear the distant shouts and laughter from other restaurants and pubs; the city truly coming alive.

"I have to say, that was one productive night," Beth slurred. We all rolled our eyes at her. The only thing Beth had ever loved was her pet goldfish which had died two weeks after she'd got it.

"Nate sure seemed to think so. He couldn't take his eyes off you," Jude mumbled, crossing her arms grumpily.

"If only he'd have taken the time to see what a mistake he was making with Beth and the advantage of having a girl like me in his arms." Mandy hummed, caressing herself. Beth swiped her irritably, her territory marked. How could we not fall about laughing after that?

I hadn't thought about Kieran once since leaving Jude's house. It was a reminder of the time before indigo eyed boys. I knew of Indigo and even if I didn't know the identity of the Red I knew with Kieran around I would be safe (if he wanted to stay around that was).

Life was worth living, from seeing the connection and magic between Beth and Nate and I knew I had been wasting time. Mandy had all but given me the chance to seize my own happiness and I was ready.

I knew the value of life and the horrors of having it slip through my fingertips. Everyone, no matter their past deserves happiness so why should I deny myself?

And though he was no where to be seen, I still felt the chill of Indigo consume me body and soul, urging me to reconsider.


And so it this the beginning of the end of our love triangle? Well there is ony one way to find out as cliché as that may be. Until next time, comments, conversing and voting is much appreciated! 

Bekah x 


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