Love Y'all (Not an update, but a really good title for a chapter)

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Hey everyone. The last chapter is coming out this weekend I think, and before that happens, I just need to give a bit of thanks to everyone who made this possible.

When I started writing this book, I was using it as an outlet, artistically and for mental purposes. I never expected it to get this far, 2k reads and 244 votes and I'm just saying, you all have some really low standards. 

I love to write, though. Even in kindergarten where we had to write and draw a picture and I just wrote the entire time. Or in first grade, where we had to write three paragraphs about what ocean animal we would be and how we would survive. I ended up writing a story about me being a fish and I was having a conversation with sharks (Did I copy Finding Nemo? Nah, it was just an inspiration. I got an A, even though it was off topic)

What I'm saying is, I'm so glad you all are enjoying my stories because I love writing them for you. 

There are people who have been here for me for a while, helping me mentally, making me laugh, and who have accepted me for who I am. You made me feel loved in my darkest of times where I honestly wanted to die. 

Thank you to my friends (Please don't have your feelings hurt if you're not on here. I don't want this to offend anybody, it's just we probably haven't held a conversation for long...):

Actual_Joshler_Trash -Funny, sweet, and very supportive. Good books

@pastelspacecat -Nice, funny, sweet, supportive, good books

@TristanDuncan -Nice, funny, and supportive

@AngelOfFreedom4 -Kind, funny, caring, and everything I could ever ask for in a friend. Thank you for supporting me through my worst times. Good book

@CrayildStudio - A very supportive person and I appreciate you. Has books.

TheCowArmy - Funny person, has books

@_antisoxial_bitxh_ - Nice and goofy, accepts me for who I am, very supportive. Good books

@Chiminiemochi_22 - Sweet and funny, has books

And to my best friend: 


I love you so much. You are always there for me, in my worst times and in my best. You are so incredibly supportive. I love being able to goof around with you without fear of being judged, and I'm so lucky to have met you. You are so beautiful, and never let anyone tell you any different. You are amazing and words can't begin to describe it. I appreciate you so much and I can't imagine my life without you, you smol bean burrito. 

Thank you to everyone reading and voting, you will get a shoutout soon, but until then, I hope you all have a great week and an amazing night wherever you are!

Stay strong, and remember, you are loved!!!

My Bully (Septiplier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora