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Jack's P.O.V

I am ecstatic. I can't stop smiling. I kiss Mark every chance I get. And he does the same. We are united. We are finally together as we are meant to be. It just feels right. We were currently driving to the location of the reception, which is just our house with catering and a newly wed couple. 

"Mark?" I asked. He replied with a hum, signifying he was listening. "This feels right," I said, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. He squeezed back and replied, "Hell yeah it does."

We arrived, only to see our best friends already socializing outside. I saw my friends Lily, Angel, and some other people I didn't know. Mark opened the door for me and I giggled and said, "You're a hopeless romantic," which caused him to laugh. We exited the car and as we climbed out, I was greeted by two girls I don't know. I looked over at Mark, who looked just as confused.

The one taller one spoke first, "Jack?" she asked. Who comes to a wedding without really knowing who they're coming to see? 

"Yes?" I responded. It may seem a little rude, but I am very confused as to who these two are. The two had the look of relief on their face, and they smiled. The taller one spoke again. She has shoulder length brown hair with a blonde streak. It wasn't too wavy, but just the right amount where it looks like she doesn't need a curling iron. She's about 5'8, and she's pretty pale. Like me... Her eye color is blue, also like me. She is wearing super cute glasses, but that's not too important right now. The shorter one has curly brown hair that also goes a little past her shoulders. She's about 5'3 and she's not as pale as the girl next to her or me, but she is still pale. Her eye color is green, and she wears glasses as well. 

The taller one said, "I'm your older sister, Tiffany. And this is your younger sister, Tori." This is not what I was expecting on my wedding day. Or any day. 

"Excuse me?" I responded. I am skeptical. Why today? How do they know they're my sisters? Tori opened her mouth, and then shut it. I looked at both of them. I would've know if they were,  wouldn't I?

Tori finally said something. "I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. Our foster mom told us who our family was. Apparently, our mom is in jail, so they gave us your number," she rushed out. She looked relieved that she didn't mess that up. I looked at Tiffany, just as another person appeared behind her. "Hey Tiff they didn't have the punch you wanted so I just got... Oh. I see. Mak, shall we give them some space? Nice to meet you, Jack," he said. He has a haircut similar to mine, except his hair color was black. I didn't see anything else because he wandered off with Mark.

"My sisters? How did I not know? I was told I was the youngest out of four," I said. Tiffany responded with, "I'm a year older than you, and Tori is a year younger. You were two when mom and dad gave us up. I don't know why it was us, but it was. I know it sounds unbelievable, but we were already here because of Jethro so when we saw you, we thought we should come over and say something-" she rambled, but I cut her off with a sudden hug. I don't know why I did it, but family is family. Maybe I can be too trusting, but if I end up getting hurt, Mark'll be there for me.

"Y-You believe us?" Tori asked. She looked shocked, and extremely nervous. "Of course. What would you gain from lying to me?" I responded. "In the meantime, enjoy the reception! Hey, could you introduce me to Jethro?"

We walked over to Jethro, who was still talking to Mark. I hugged Mark from behind and rested my chin on his shoulder. "Wanna trade?" I asked.  "Why not?" he responded. We kissed, and he walked off to conversate with my new sisters. Jethro looked over at Tiffany, as if begging her to come back.

"Jethro? Is that short for something?" I asked. He laughed, and that's when I noticed his features. He's pale, his eyes are green and blue, and he looked to be around 5'll. "No, that's just my name. I get that question a lot though. My parents were a bit... out of sorts," he joked. He seems quiet, much like Tiffany and Tori, but he's warming up to me. I found out that he's 19 years old, the same age as Tiffany, asexual, smart, funny, and single. I'm sure there's more, but we just met.

"How long have you known Mark?" I asked. "I went to school with him before he moved here. We were next door neighbors, and we were inseparable. But, Tiffany is who I hang around a lot now. She's helped me through some really rough times," he responded. Just as he finished, Mark came up to me with someone who looked to be one of the youngest here. 

He had medium length hair with a dork purple and neon green streak, he was about 5'7 which is tall for how young he looks, he is pale, and his eyes are a solid brown. "Jack, I would like to introduce you to my nephew, Tristan. He's really fun to be around and very nice. You two, get to know each other while Jethro returns to Tiffany." Jethro got flustered and insisted that he and Tiffany weren't dating until I couldn't hear them anymore. I looked at Tristan, and he smiled.

"Hey," I said. He responded with a nod. It was quite awkward to be honest. Until I found out he played Skyrim. We started randomly shouting out Dovahkiin and fus ro dah. We had a lot of good laughs. I never did get his age, but he told me he was going into middle school and that he was asexual. I went scouting for Mark when I ran into Lily. She had straight, blonde hair. She was 5' and lightly tan. Her eyes were striking blue, just like mine. We held a conversation until I saw Mark. I looked at him and pleaded for me to take a break from being social and just staying next to him. 

Why is this reception three hours long?


YO EVERYONE! IT'S UP! Not everyone is in there yet. There's likely going to be three parts to this, just because of how many people participated. Thank you so much to everyone who did! I hope you all are enjoying it so far! Also, I am not going to be posting as much due to school, but I will try and get a new chapter up every week. If I don't please understand. 

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Stay strong, and remember, you are loved!

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