Back to School

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During the break of school the past few chapters, Mark and Jack have either had no school because it was the weekend or took a break from school to help Mark. This chapter will be extended for shout-outs (lets hope I get everybody if I don't and you've done something in the categories let me know and I will add you in <3)

Jack's P.O.V

I've been helping Mark for the past five days. He went into the hospital on Friday and stayed there until Monday, since it was late in the afternoon when he arrived there at first. Saturday and Sunday, I spent those days making sure Mark's parent's didn't drink and making sure they went to their Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Monday, I took off school to spend time with Mark because I missed him. Tuesday, that's when he did... it again because Felix texted him. I confiscated all of his razors. Today is Wednesday, and we are going back to school. I'm anxious and happy at the same time. Anxious because how will Mark take seeing Felix for the first time in person since Friday? Happy because I can tell Felix off for leaving this perfect human becuase and we're almost seniors. 

Mark and I start to get ready for school. I wear my black shirt with my ripped skinny jeans and my black converse. Mark wears a light blue shirt, black skinny jeans, and red converse. Damn, he's cute. I saw him trying to tame his wild red hair and I laughed. I went to the mirror as well and brushed out my bright green hair. When we were done taming our hair which was almost impossible, we went to his kitchen and I grabbed a banana meanwhile Mark grabbed a strawberry flavored Poptart. I laughed at his childish food choice. 

After we were done eating, we walked to school since his house is really close to the school. On our way we saw Felix walking a few strides ahead of us. I saw Mark tense next to me. I grabbed his hand and smiled at him. I kissed him on the cheek and squeezed his hand. Felix looked over his shoulder and stopped in his tracks. He stopped long enough for us to catch up to him.

"What do you want Felix?" Mark asked, to my surprise. I looked over at him, and could tell he was just as shocked he asked the question as well.

"Mark, babe. I'm sorry about yesterday, I really am," Felix said in a 'sincere' tone. I clenched my jaw with anger.

"Don't call me babe anymore."

"Come on... don't be like that..." Felix pleaded. He looked at our conjoined hands in disgust. "Plus, Jack doesn't deserve you. He doesn't even love you. We were texting while you were at the hospital and he didn't even talk about you even though I kept asking questions. He was almost... flirting with me," Felix lied. I looked over at Mark and he looked almost as if he was going to cry. He let go of my hand.

"That's bullshit and you know it. You said he was self-centered and that Cry wasn't. It's not my fault you left Mark for someone who isn't half the person he is. I'm sorry you're just realizing how incredible Mark is now, but I love Mark. Even if he stops loving me, I will always love Mark. You are the one who doesn't love him. You said if Mark was depressed he should've gotten help instead of insulting himself. But it was your job to love him even if times got hard and you quit on him. That's not my fault. Leave me and Mark alone. And, word of advice, try not to lie when I have evidence proving otherwise," I said. 

I looked at Mark, and he still looked like he wanted to cry. Felix was in shock with my words and stormed off. 

"Mark, what's wrong?"

"Show me the texts," he demanded. I gave him my phone.

Mark's P.O.V

I read the texts between Felix and Jack. I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders. Jack loves me. He really loves me. I looked at Jack, and I kissed him. I didn't want to stop kissing him, but I wasn't going to be late on my first day back. 

"Thank you," I said.

"For what?"

"Being my world."

"Thank you for being my sunshine," he said. With that I took his hand and we finished walking to school. 


This chapter went on longer than expected so I'm just going to do shout-outs in their own chapter. Stay strong, and remember, you are loved!

(Sorry for random time skips I've revised this version many many times because timelines didn't correlate so you get TIME SKIPS)

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