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Mark's P.O.V

It was time. As of tomorrow, the day after graduation, Jack and I will have been together for two years. And I know exactly how I want to do this. 

My parents were driving us to the school, and I slipped my hand into my pocket, feeling the small box. When we arrived, we adjusted our cap and gowns. We got into a line at the auditorium, and I was ahead of Jack, but that's okay. We were called name by name. When my name was called, they announced me Valedictorian and said I was going to give a speech after the ceremony. My principal gave his consent for me to do this. I could feel my heart racing in my chest.

Jack's name was called and I had cheered and clapped as loud as I could and shouted, "That's my boyfriend!" I saw Jack turn a crimson red and walk off the stage after grabbing his diploma. He sat down next to me and hugged me.

I went back up to the podium after the ceremony was done and got out my speech.

"Fellow graduates, I have to say, I got off to a rocky start with all of you. I feel we have all seen the mistakes we've made, but life is all about mistakes. We make them and we learn from them. Now, it's time for us to explore. Some of us will go to college. Some of us will get a dead end job. One thing we'll all have in common though, is that we'll fall in and out of love. You see, I've fallen in love, with someone who I belong with. I could never, I repeat, never fall out of love with this man. He is the love of my life, and I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with him. Seán William McLoughlin, will you join me on this stage?" I looked over at Jack, and he was crying. He got up and made his way to the stage. He came face to face with me, and I could tell I was about to cry too.

"Seán, everyday we are together is the highlight of my life. We've both done things we shouldn't have, but we had each other. And in the end, we've always come out stronger. I've loved being your boyfriend these past two years. I've loved going on dates with you. I've loved living with you. I had more to say, but I'm so nervous that I can't remember any of it. So here it goes," I said as I got out the small box contained in my pocket. "Seán William McLoughlin, the love of my life, will you marry me?"

Jack was full on crying and I was too. It felt like an eternity passed between us in the second we had eye contact.

"Yes, Mark Edward Fischbach, I will marry you!" He exclaimed. I put the ring on him as everyone exploded into applause. I kissed him, and it felt like time had stopped. Nothing could ruin this. Not Felix. Not Tyler. Not Bob or Wade or anything else, Because we knew, it was us against the world. And we knew we were meant to be.

"I love you so much," I whispered to Jack.

"I love you too," he whispered back.


I know that's not how graduations work but that's how this one works. Also, 1k? What the heck? This is incredible. Thank you all for the support! 

Stay strong, and remember, you are loved.

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