The Anniversary

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Mark's P.O.V

Felix and I have been together for one full year now. Jack and I have become best friends. Tyler got expelled for beating me up. Jack and Wade ended up dating, and they seemed happy. We were all sophomores. I was currently at Felix's house and we were cuddling and watching Spongebob when I got a text from Jack.

J: Hey Mark, can we talk?

M: Sure buddy, what's up?

J: Wade broke up with me for Bob. 

M: What? That little ass-bag doesn't know what he lost. If he left you, he obviously doesn't deserve you. You are one of the smartest, funniest, nicest, and one of the most understanding people I have ever met. Don't let that douche bag get to you.

J: Thanks, Mark. It doesn't make me want to cry any less. Wade was great. Maybe if I had just done a little more, this would never have happened.

M: No. Don't you dare blame this on yourself. Wade made this mistake and you shouldn't take the fall. Felix and I are going to come over right now. Okay?

J: Mark, that's not necessary.

M: See you in a few.

After that, I grabbed Felix's hand because I knew he was reading over my shoulder. He looked upset for some reason, so when we got in the car, I decided to ask about it.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I questioned him.

"Did you mean what you said to Jack? That he is one of the best people you've ever met?" he returned.

"Yeah. The only other person I've ever met that is better than Jack, is you," I said. He smiled at me, but didn't look fully convinced. When we got to Jack's house a coupe minutes later, I walked to him and kissed him. 

"What was that for?" Felix asked. He looked surprised.

"Just making sure you know I love you." I went up to Jack's door and knocked. When he opened the door, he smelled and looked terrible. He had alcohol stained breath and clothes, his apartment smelled like smoke, and he was crying. 

"Jack... When exactly did Wade break up with you?"

"Monday..." Jack barely managed to say. It was Friday. He and Wade were acting fine the whole week. Were we all that oblivious? I pulled Jack in for a tight hug. He went into the shower while Felix and I cleaned up his apartment. Felix got a text, pulled out his phone, and smiled.

"What is it?" I said walking over to him to look. He pulled his phone away from me. He does this sometimes so I thought he was joking around. I grabbed for his phone again, and succeeded. I read the text message, and I started to cry. I couldn't believe what I saw in front of my eyes. Felix snatched his phone back and looked guilty. 

On his phone, I saw he was texting a guy named Cry. He was smiling at Cry calling him sexy and beautiful. Felix had said Cry was the best person he had ever met. The best person

"How long has this been going on for?"

"About three months..."

"Does he know about me?"


"Get away from me."

"Mark I-"

"I SAID GET AWAY! You got jealous over me texting Jack that he was one of the best people I've ever met, meanwhile, YOU HAVE ANOTHER BOYFRIEND! Get away from me. Stay away from me. I thought you loved me. Apparently not, so please, leave me alone."

"I'll text you later?"

"Please don't," and with that he left. I fell to the floor and cried and cried and cried. I felt nothing but sadness at that time. I could feel my heart ripping into two pieces. I looked around for an old friend of mine. There lied the glass shards from a broken bottle. I picked one up. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten deep cuts.

The first one for when we first met. The second one for when he was my friend. The third one for when he turned on me. The fourth and fifth one for every time he beat me up or called me names (even though those are countless), the sixth one for when he confessed, the seventh one for our first kiss, the eighth one for when we first said I love you, the ninth one for all the time we spent together, and the tenth, for me being stupid enough to fall for him in the first place.

I was bleeding out, I could tell. My head was getting lighter, and I was become more and more out of touch with this hell hole. 

Finally. All you kids get your wish. You get to be the cause of my death. Especially you, Felix, you the most. For hurting me, for betraying me, for leading me into a false sense of security. And Jack, you were and will always be the brightest part of my day. The only one I can trust. 

Goodbye shit world.


Have faith. The stuff I wanted to put on here was to much. Read the next one which will be coming out soon!

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