The Texts

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Jack's P.O.V

  I get out my phone and text the last person I thought I would ever text. I waited for their response anxiously. I looked at their text and I smiled. 

J: Will you meet me at the coffee shop on 8th?

M: Sure. If you try to beat me up though, I'll text Felix.

I made my way to Coraine's Coffee Shop and I actually felt myself feeling nervous. I'm going to try to tell him how I feel. Since I'm so jealous of him and Felix, I might as well get it off my chest. What if he doesn't like me back though? Ugh, I just need to go for it. I arrived in a couple of minutes to see Mark sitting inside. When he saw me, he met my eyes and looked at his coffee.

"Hey Mark..."

"What do you want, Jack? Is it to tell me how worthless I am? Is it to tell me I should go die? Or to call me a faggot? What do you want because no matter where I go, I'll always be an outsider and I just... I just want to know why," he yelled at me. I saw him tearing up. I stared into his eyes. God, they were so beautiful. I just wanted to keep staring in them. 

"Mark... I- I got so angry when I saw you and Felix together because I'm jealous. I didn't want to admit it to myself I liked you, so I bullied you to try and ignore that, but seeing you with Felix made me realize that I like you. I really like you. No this is not a joke. No I am not trying to take you away from Felix. I just wanted you to know, and I wanted to get it off of my chest. I'm sorry for bullying you, can we be friends?" I asked. Mark looked at me sadly and rolled up his sleeves to reveal multiple cuts and scars on both arms.

"You did this to me. You, Felix, Tyler, Ethan, Bob, and Wade. You have no idea what it's like to be in my life. Coming home and waking up to my parents passed out on the couch. Getting bullied and tormented. The worst part is I used to like you. But Felix, he was the first one to accept me. I don't know if what we have is real just quite yet... But every second I'm with him I forget about you more. If you're just now realizing you like me...  You've come a little to late. We can still be friends, but I am not forgiving any of your other friends. Don't tell Felix about these okay? I'll, catch you around I guess?" Mark said. Then he left. I started to cry. And cry. I cried on my way home. I cried in my room. I cried myself to sleep.

We did that to Mark. Felix, Tyler, Ethan, Bob, Wade, and I. We hurt him in more ways than we could ever understand. I decided to text him again.

J: I'm such a terrible person. I'm so sorry. I know you said we could be friends, but do you forgive me?

M: No. 

J: That's fair. Can you ever forgive me?

M: Maybe. Not soon though. You've put me through so much shit.

J: I know. 

M: I'm sorry for making a scene at the coffee shop. I shouldn't have yelled like that.

J: It's fine, I deserve it. Honestly, everybody who's ever hurt you deserves it. You're one of the most honest, sincere, and nicest people I've ever met. 

M: You really mean that?

J: I do. 

M: Wow, Felix didn't even say something like that to me when he apologized.

J: Mark, I care about you. More than I care to admit. I'm glad we can be friends.

M: Me too. I'll see you tomorrow.

J: Okay, bye. *not sent* I love you


Author's Note-

Where am I going with this, you may be wondering. I have no idea. I'm making it up as I go along and I know it's shitty, but please trust that as I write and read more books, I will gain more experience and my writing will  get better. Until then, I hope you enjoy my book!

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