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Jack's P.O.V

It's been a hard time for me. What with Wade breaking up with me, I feel like I can only trust and rely on Mark. I step out of the shower to hear yelling. I thought it was just a silly playfight between Felix and Mark. I finish getting ready when I hear nothing. It was to quiet. I figured Felix probably left and Mark is there cleaning up by himself. He's my best friend, and my crush. I've only told him once, but it was a long time ago.

I step out of the bathroom with my clothes on and my hair wet and scream out, "MARKIMOO WANT SOME PANCAKES?" I don't hear anything in response, so I walk out to the living room and scream.

I see Mark's lifeless body on the floor. I see his arms filled with deep cuts and a glass shard enclosed in his hand. I rush over to him to feel for a pulse, I find only a little beat. I take out my phone and call 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"My best friend is on the ground he has 10 deep cuts in his arm made with a glass shard. My address is (insert your own address). Hurry!"

"We're on our way, remain calm," the lady said. In a few minutes, they arrived at my house and took Mark and I to the hospital. I was holding his non-injured hand the entire time and I was crying my eyes out. What would I do without Mark? The only light to my darkness? We arrived at the hospital and they wouldn't let me in since I wasn't 'family'.

"I'M THE ONLY FAMILY HE HAS!" I shouted. I kept screaming for them to let me go with him until a masculine male nurse and a strong female nurse came and sat me down in a chair. I stayed up worrying and fell asleep crying.

I woke to the sound of my name. "Seán McLoughlin?" My head shot up along with my body.

"Is he okay?" I asked. The nurse gave me a hand gesture signaling for me to follow her. I wanted to break down in tears when I saw his weak fragile body. The nurse left, and I sat next to him holding his hand.

"Mark? I don't know if you can hear me, but, when you wake up, I want to know why you did it? . I love you, ya know. I don't know know what I would do without you. You are the only good part to my day now that Wade broke up with me. I know you can't possibly return my feelings. You're with Felix, you're happy. I just want you in my life. Please survive for me. Please?" I said to his seemingly lifeless body. In a matter of seconds though, he opened his mouth and uttered words I never thought I'd hear.

"Jack... I did it because Felix was cheating. For over three months. I was blinded by his "love". I never saw it coming. I'm so sorry I did this to you. You don't deserve this, and I don't deserve you. Jack, I've liked you ever since we first met. But I thought you didn't like me, so when Felix told me his feelings, I thought it was time to move on. I didn't want to automatically break up with him for you, so I thought I would give it a couple of weeks. I ended up loving him. Now that my heart's broken, I feel a new love slipping out of the cracks Felix left. A new love, for you, Jack. I love you too. I don't know if it's just the drugs they put inside of me or my true feelings, but today, I know for sure, that I love you."

I hugged Mark with all of the love inside my body. He hugged back weakly. I didn't stop hugging him until the doctor came in. I said the first question in my mind.

"When is he allowed out of here?"

"Well, he is obviously suffering from severe depression, so we have to keep him 72 hours. You can bring him clothes, anything for his hygiene, and any footwear with no shoelaces.We have to confiscate any phone or any device you have on you," the doctor said. I squeezed Mark's hand.

"Okay. Mark, before I take your phone back home text me what you need and I'll bring it to you, okay?"

"Okay," he said and texted me what he needed and where it was. I brought it all back to him and went to bed worried, but smiling. He loves me. Whether it was his drugs or not, deep down he loves me. And Felix will get what he deserves sooner or later for leaving such a great person.


See? I hope it's what you were expecting... I know it's shitty but bear with me.

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