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It's like in those romance movies: the sunset, with the faint sounds of the ocean and the sun's beautiful reflection over the surface of the water.

Let's not forget, you've got that one beautiful girl with the pretty long hair blowing in the wind with the long, white sundress on. She's walking almost in slow motion down the beach bare foot without a care in the world.

It's always like that.

And then there's that one other person which so happens to be her soulmate watching her dreamily from afar, sitting on a large rock, with their elbows propped up on their knees.

That one other person is me.

The beautiful girl walking down the beach bare foot with the white sundress would be Ally.

It felt unreal. It felt like we were in a movie. I'm the boyfriend who's so deeply in love. The boyfriend who would die without hesitation to secure her happiness for a lifetime. The one who sits on a rock daydreaming about my future being with the girl that I have made mine, the one that's carrying my children.

I get to watch her intensely as she minds her business. She has no idea that someone is looking at her having a good time out there on the beach, all by herself.

It's something about those movies, that makes people emotional. It's something about those particular scenes that make people want to jump through the screen and be apart of. Why I, of course, don't have to wish so. The whole scene is alive and directly in front of me. I so happen am apart of it and I couldn't be happier.

When she stops walking and stands at the very edge where the water and land meet, she balls her dress up on the side into her hand and uses her other hand to bring her hair out of her face and behind her ear as that does no justice because the wind blows it from behind her ear and in her face once again.

I smile, happy with the life I have received and made of myself, and climb down from the rock and walk out there to join her before she turns around.

I wrap my arms around her from behind, place my hands on her little baby bump and rest my chin on her shoulder,"It's such a beautiful sight."

She takes in a deep breath and I can feel her stomach sink in as she does so and she exhales slowly, as if she has all the time in the world.

Her she let's go of her dress and rest both hands on top of mine and I damn near could hear her smile warmly.

"It is."Is all she says, but she says in a way as if, beautiful was not the correct word. "You're the finishing touch."

"Very cliche, bebe."She smiles again, and turns her head to look at me as I do the same in vice versa.

"Sorry."She apologizes, probably hoping I hadn't heard that one before.

"No, it's ok. It's cute when you do it."I smile cheekily as she pulls away and turns around to face me.

As my feet come in contact with the water, it's cold. My body jumps very slightly at the how low of heat it has when the sun is shining directly on it. How is she standing there with the water at her ankles like it's not freezing?

I eventually adjust to it and forget all about the cold water when she throws her arms around my neck and kisses me gently, almost as if I was glass she was not suppose to touch. Like I was a souvenir she was afraid to break.

Almost as if I was the most fragile thing in the world. I'm not honestly, but my heart is and she has carried it in a glass case.

When she pulls away, she wraps her arms around my waist, that being the more comfortable position. However, the arms around the neck thing is not a position she can hold very long due to height difference.

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