Chapter Eleven

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I can honestly say I have never seen this happen before in my life. They argue, yeah. And yes, I've seen two females fight before. But NEVER this violently. Ally legit picked up a glass bottle and tried to throw it at Lauren face. 

They literally tried to kill each other. And I'm not exaggerating. When black people fight, we fight to make a point. When Latinas fight, they fight to kill, and it gets brutal.

I have never seen Ally this heated. I can tell that was all built up anger that had been inside her for a really long time in a span of years. It had to be. Ally may get upset, and trust me, she defends herself, but I've never seen her so pissed off that she's cussing, fighting past people to try and fight Lauren. It was like.... no matter who all had a grip of her, it didn't stop her. Her little ass body was moving!

She was FIGHTING. Then we're legit FIGHTING. Like this was no hair pull, let's see who get who on the ground first, high school type fight. No these two bitches were legitimately swinging on each other. I didn't even know Ally could fight. At least not like that. She wouldn't harm a fly. But she sure as hell tried to harm Lauren.

I was scared though. And I didn't know if I wanted to help defend Ally or not. And I did, but it would seem like I'm taking Ally's side when their both my best friend. But I'm really close to Ally and I really consider Ally my sister. It's just hard to explain. All of them are my sister, but my friendship with Ally is a lot different, she helped me get through a really tough time in my life and I've didn't the same with her. And it's like...every since then, we grew closer than I have ever with the girls and we consider each other sisters.

I just don't know. Today was hectic as fuck.

I'm back home now, and I'm helping Ally pack. Will instructed that both Lauren and Ally go to separate hotels. I suggested Ally just stay home since Lauren's already gone but he didn't wanna risk that and then Lauren just pops up for something and boom, there's Ally. It could possibly strike a nerve in both girls if they saw each other considering they are both still heated.

Ally stills wants Lauren's head. I believe Ally's mentally crazy. Ally tried to choke Lauren with the earphones chord. She attempted to choke Lauren to her last breath. When I asked her if she tried to kill her, she looked me in my eyes and said yes with no hesitation. If someone attempts to kill someone and tells you shamelessly that they did without hesitating, they're a psychopath. There's nothing normal about that.

Her parents come in town in the morning and she's on her way to her hotel.

I told Will and Ally's parents that I'm concerned for Ally's health. Will said he had been concerned for awhile and Ally's parents said they thought maybe she had anger issues but that be the case after today. But her parents said they'd talk to her tomorrow.

I asked her if she was crazy but she only laughed it off and said no.

I believe she is. I don't mean silly crazy. I mean like...bipolar.

I'm home alone now, Dinah's still at the hotel with Lauren. Ally's gone to her hotel now. So I decided to shower and get in bed. I'm way too exhausted to do anything but that.

I tweeted the fans an apology because I told them we'd go live and give them a little snippet but obviously we couldn't because the roof caved in today.

Normani @normani                   07/25/18  1hr
so sorry we didn't go live today 😕 we were actually a lot busier than we expected today and just didn't get around to it. I'll have to make it up to you guys another day, goodnight xx

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