Chapter Seventeen

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For the sake of not knowing how this session is gonna go, all girls decided to find their way to there on their own. Their separate transportation was better than coming all together.

All hell may break loose today, my dear.

"She's ready for you."Katie, the counselor's assistant announced to the three girls who sat in the chairs outside the office in silence with legs crossed, and arms folded.

The three girls stood up and walked in the office and Dr. Vanderbuilt, the counselor stood up to greet them.

"Good afternoon!"she spoke happily while shaking each of their hands. "It's so nice to finally meet you, ladies."

The girls smiled as they all took a seat on the couch in front of the desk beside each other.

Dr. Vanderbilt sat down in her chair and looked down at some papers that were on her desk. She switched her sight from the girls to the papers in front of her quite a few times.

"Correct me if I'm wrong,"she eventually spoke up. "But before we get started, according to the request right here, it says that I was meeting with four and unfortunately there's only three..."

The three girls looked at the doctor without a clue.

"Did you all come in one vehicle or did you come separately in your own vehicle?"asked Vanderbilt.

"My Uber is outside."said Ally.

"I came in my own car."said Normani.

"I came in my own car too."said Lauren.

"So we have Ally, Lauren and Normani."said Vanderbilt as she looked back down at the paper. "So we're missing....Dinah. Correct?"

They all nodded.

"Does she have her own vehicle...or is she taking public transportation?"The doctor asked.

"I think she took an Uber as well."nodded Ally.

Dr. Vanderbilt smiled. "Ok great. She's probably just stuck in traffic and will be running late. Looks like we'll have to start without her. Now Miss Hernandez, you mentioned that your Uber is still outside. Would you like us to wait while you go tell it that it can go or..."

"Oh no because I don't plan on staying that long." Ally said plainly. Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Oh...well alright then. Well then let's get started, shall we?"said the doctor awkwardly.

She began to ask the three girls questions, just to see where they were with each other and after the small interrogation, she knew that this may take longer than she thought.

"Well Normani, since Ally and Lauren seem to be the most tense, you seem to be in the middle. So how about we start with you."said Vanderbilt. "Explain your thoughts and or how you feel."

Normani sighed deeply and sat up, straightening her posture.

"I feel like....Lauren disrespects Ally. 'Known what I'm sayin? Like umm, one minute she wants her, then she doesn't. I um, I think it's stupid. She lead Ally on into thinking she had a thing for her and then got mad when Ally got mad because she thought they were beginning to be more than friends. I feel like you shouldn't play with anyone's feelings like that..."

The room was silent for a moment before Vanderbilt spoke up.

"Okay, what a great way to start off."She nodded. "Ally? How about you go. Feel free to say what's on your mind. This is a safe place. Tell us when you think you two officially fell off."

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