''Prologue: Sword Art Online''

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A black room undefined by human standards. The background is described to be pitch-black, infinitely dark and unseeable. A thirty-year-old man wearing what could be described as a simple fur coat with dark grey pants sitting on a cobble throne is staring at a massive black dragon beside him.

Drake: "Hmm? Well, this is a fine how-do-you-do." The human looks around, surprised. "Wasn't this story already..?"

Snake: "It was, but it seems that there was a need for change." The dragon shakes his head in response. "Hmm... Well, if the author finds it necessary, there shouldn't be any problem, I suppose. Although, will the entire story shift?"

Drake: "Can't say for certain. All we can do is just watch and wait, I suppose."

Snake: "True. Although, in this case, it's more appropriate to say 'read'." The dragon nods.


An author is a mere entity that exists to illustrate a world that truly goes by his own will, his judgement, and ultimately his desire. They create a world that is designed to tell a story. That, is the purpose of the author.

Besides that, however, he must also ensure the smooth flow of what many call the plot. Without him to balance everything, the story will find no end, no true meaning, no character development, and ultimately leaving the readers thoroughly unsatisfied.

And so, it had been with great honor that the people refer to the authors as a talent. Something that which must be respected, until the very ends of time.

But what happens when the author, having grown tired of writing the story in a way that which revolves the story around a protagonist that he has created, decides to put himself into the story?

Admittedly, there was nothing wrong with that. It had been practiced quite widely around the world, and many find satisfaction in dreaming themselves to be the hero that saves the damsel in distress, or—more commonly used, that which piques more interest than the aforementioned detail—saving the world.

But what if he was written into a story against his own will?

Obviously, such a thought would be taken as the bad end of a joke. But in this world, where the only limit is one's imagination, is it so preposterous to even entertain the thought?

Clearly, I was one of these people who had been chosen for such a thing. Or, to put it more precisely, a 'me' that I have placed into these world of words and sentences, and ultimately decide to see just how willing his story will grow.


28th August 2018—Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia

Enter the world of this 'Protagonist', a simple boy who had lived quite the normal life, with a normal sister and two normal parents, one of whom was an achieved engineer and the other a housewife. Ultimately, life was very simple for this small family, and nothing too crazy had ever occurred.

Well, they had no knowledge of such a thing, of course. Nor would they ever expect what was to come.

But that is a story to tell in the future.

For now, we phase into one small room, complete with a single bed with a yellow-grey patterned comforter, a comfortable white table with a few devices and a large iMac on it, a shelf with some miscellany objects on it—including a picture frame of himself four years ago. Beside his bed was the large wardrobe where all his clothes were, and somewhere to the back was the door to his bathroom, with another table and a smaller laptop on it.

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