"It is a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters." Thirteen held out their arms as they introduced the name of the training ground. "It's called the 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint', or USJ for short!"

Aizawa entered the training ground, approaching his fellow instructor when he realized a certain person was missing. "Thirteen, where's All Might? He was supposed to meet us here."

The space hero explained that the number one hero was currently taking a break due to doing too much hero work on his way to work, causing him to run out of time. Hence why he couldn't be here.

Aizawa simply lets out a tired sigh and moved to the side so that Thirteen could begin their class. However, just as when they were about to start their hero training, something bizarre happened.

The lights flickered before going off and the water fountain in the middle of the USJ started acting strange when suddenly, a whirlpool of some sort emerged from the water fountain.

Aizawa's eyes widened and turned around, a surprised look on his face. The whirlpool expanded before solidifying into a smoky figure with two yellow beady eyes. A hand stretched from within the whirlpool, revealing a man with light-blue hair and a bloodshot eye – the rest of his face covered by a detached hand.

With his quick reflexes, Aizawa immediately jumped to action.

"Gather together and don't move!" He instructed his students before addressing Thirteen. "Thirteen, protect the students!"

Kirishima's eyes widened with surprise. "What's that?"

His words caused all eyes to turn towards the whirlpool where figures of all sort started walking out of it, the light blue-haired man in the lead.

The students were puzzled by what was happening, thinking it was part of their training class when they noticed their teacher putting on his yellow goggle. That was when they knew that something was not quite right.

"Those are villains."

Fear shot through them when they heard Aizawa's words, their eyes widening by ten-fold as they took in the sight before them. Hundreds of villains were standing before them, staring at them with bloodlust in their eyes.

What was supposed to be a normal training hero class had turned into a real-life situation that none of the students of Class 1-A was prepared for.


(Name)'s POV – from here on out, the story will be in (Name)'s point of view instead of Bakugou's.

You stepped out from Kurogiri's warp gate, feeling slightly dizzy since you are still not used to his quirk. Once you regained your bearings, you took in the sight of the place that the League of Villains will be attacking.

(E/C) orbs sparkled with excitement at as you noticed a group of students and two heroes who you recognised as Eraserhead and Thirteen. You could feel the bloodlust in you coming to life as you couldn't wait to see blood being shed.

"(Name)-chan, please calm down. I know you're excited to kill but remember that isn't your main priority." Kurogiri whose main body was covered in his quirk gently admonished you.

You glanced up at the purple mist, pouting. "You're no fun Kurogiri-kun. I've waited all these years and you're telling me that I can't kill? You're taking away my fun."

"(Name)-chan," Kurogiri replied in a warning tone.

"Fine." You huffed, blowing on your fringe as you sulked before turning your attention to Shigaraki who was standing beside you. "Ne, Tomu Nii-san, where's All Might? I don't see him anywhere."

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