Tip Of The Iceburg

327 11 2

This fan fiction has the following: drug addiction(of a character), eating disorder, smut, and other mental illness'.
You have been warned.

Jimin Pov
I woke to see that I was in a hospital room.
"Where am I?" I asked aloud to myself with a raspy voice.
"Your in a hospital." Answered a voice.
As I turned to the voice I saw 6 men whom were my childhood best friends.
"You guys what happened?" I questioned in confusion.
Right when I asked that question a doctor walked in, "the patient is stable now though he did almost die from the huge amount of blood loss and over consumption of sleeping pills. You're lucky that one of our doctors called authorities when she did if it hadn't had been for her you would've been dead by now" announced the doctor.
"Right the girl...," you thought to yourself.
"Where is the girl that saved me," you questioned
"The 'girls' name is Dr.(Y/N) And you will not be able to meet her do to her busy schedule and the operations that she must perform today. Also just sign here and you will be able to be released" Answered the doctor.
Your Pov
You had finally finished your busy day at work, it was now time for you to head home.
You got out of the hospital and started heading toward the car but you started hearing a soft whistling melody and footsteps behind you. The private parking place where you had parked and where every worker parked was quite the distance from the entrance of the hospital. You fastened your pace and so did the person behind you. You started running at this point and so did he. You quickly made it to your car and got in, checking the rear view mirror to see if someone was there. You sighed in relief when you saw no one was there so you went ahead and started heading home cutting that little incident out of your head. Midway through your driving you got chills as you did before when you thought someone was following you. You quickly checked your rear view mirror once more and you were right there was a really nice car behind you. So you tested it. You turned left and he turned left. You turned right and he ALSO turned right.
"Okay now he really is following me now. But I don't know maybe I'm just over thinking it maybe he just lives in the same complex as me..." You thought brushing it off as nothing once more before continuing to drive ignoring your gut feeling and the shivers you got pleading to your that something was wrong.
You were finally home without getting killed or something. Before walking into your apartment you checked the mailbox next to the door. A single slip of a red letter in a mat black envelope which read "Directed to Doctor (Y/N)".
You were a bit suspicious so you were about to read it. But then you started hearing that chilling whistling melody again. Your heart sank when you heard so. You hands were now trembling with fear not to mention your body as well.
Little did you know that, that such a simple letter could change the course of your life forever.
"It can't be..." You thought.
But before you got a chance to read it or try to read it again a voice came from behind you sending shivers down your spine.
"Doctor (Y/N)?" the man called.
To be continued....

Writers Note: Sksksksksk you're probably like wtf because of this short ass bitch ass chapter and the cliff hanger at the end but I didn't have much time to write this tbh so I hope you don't mind and I'm also here to inform you that another chapter will be here soon too.

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