Smile through the Pain

23 0 6

You'll never see me cry all you'll ever see is a fake smile,
Smiling through the pain,
Playing your little game.

Disappointment drowning the iris of your eyes,
Unable to breathe I continue to smile,
Smile through it all,
Never ask for more,
Just take the fall.

Pleading voices tell me to stop being me,
Stop trying to help
Stop looking for trouble
Stop doing everything you think is right
Just stop.

Screaming louder and louder my mind tells me the same,

You'll never be able to do anything good.

You'll never be able to change the world.

You're no one special

Stop trying...

You'll never succeed.

They say blend in don't make a statement .

Just be like us
Like me
Like everyone else
Stop being a freak
A geek

Smile through the pain
Take it all
Just play the game
Like everyone else do the same



I can't

You can

I won't

You will

You'll see me cry through the pain
But I'll refuse to play your game
Maybe then...
I'll be able to smile again.

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