The Human Race

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I look up at the sky which is such a bright blue,
and then I realise it almost looks down upon me and you,
That makes me wonder about the Human race who are, the 'so-called', ruling species of all time and space.

But haven't they ever thought about who is looking down at them from the sky,
Or if you're not walking outside who is watching you walk by,

I as a theist would say God of course,
An agnostic would probably be unsure,
And an atheist would say no one, That sums up religion in short.

Well race is a part of culture,
It's not something you can capture,
We are all different for a reason it's not a form of treason.

Gender is another thing completely, or is it?
For years Women have been treated differently,
Why have we been treated differently?
In the past, present and possibly future?

Next I imagine a world where people ate not excepted.
Whether your skin tone, race or religion is different- they are all rejected,
Imagine how it would feel to be neglected.

I realise then that I am in this world where people don't have 'Freedom of Speech',
You may argue that in some countries this is not true,
But it is...
There will always be an extreme view that reaches through,

I can't stand the fact that we have had world wars over people being different,
The wars will never stop until we learn to forgive,
But then again what needs to be forgiven?

Individuality makes us who we are,
And that us what will take us far.

At times like this we need courage,
Rather than being outraged,
We need to become wiser with age,
And have courage,
We need to face adversity hand in hand,

At the end of the day we are all human,
Whether we are a Woman or a man,
We must treat each other how we want to be treated.

Although where there is good there will always be evil,
As some may say,
Where there is evil there will always be good and that is a fact!

As humans we may feel superior to animals,
But we must not be in-humane.

By Lavender_Lovegood❤

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Note to The Human Race:

I wrote this poem to show everyone how hard it is being anyone nowadays.

We are continuously playing the blame game. Well its time we take the blame together as a whole.

We are all Human.
So we should be humane right?

So take this as a message Humanity, start believing we are one race, The Human Race.

United we stand divided we fall.
We've already fallen but it's time to get back up, pick each other up.

We are the next generation.
We are the future.
And we should end this cycle of blame...

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