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What are you so afraid of  asks the unanimous almost soothing voice of all the people around me?
They're trying aren't they? Trying to break me free
From something ingrained so deeply inside
Something I'm failing to hide
It lurks in the shadows of my mind
Appearing every time I try to look someone in the eye
And explain why my heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest
That it would be best
If I didn't tell anyone about all the pain
That traps me inside my own body
The soft skin now concrete walls
Locking away secrets
Bones iron bars
My heart, mind, conscience, soul
The subconscious telling me it won't work
Creating an elaborate lie so I won't have to talk.

Why are you so afraid?
Asks a friend with a worried face
Trying to help me escape
Scale the walls around myself
The ones I built myself in fear that someone would notice my deteriorating health
That I built
The raw emotion that punctured my tender heart
Now covered in thick layers of chains
Locked away in all the remains
Of broken relationships
The betrayal of others convincing  me that it will all happen again, slowly, too slowly
For me to realise how much it hurts to let go of it all so quickly.

The Battle WithinWhere stories live. Discover now