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"You're going too easy on her Louis!" roared the baritone voice out instructor Derek. And he was certainly mistaken if he thought Louis was going easy on me. His stone cold expression didn't even flinch as he watched, from the balcony, mine and Louis' showdown.

And I'd be damned if I didn't win.

I smirked at Louis' scowl as he expertly raised a wall of fire to keep me at bay. So predictable.

A wicked grin graced my face as I lifted my arms ready to make all hell break loose. The black mist I always imagined gravity as wrapped itself around all the tools that were screwed firmly to the floor. Ha, Derek seriously thought that could stop me from using them. Everything was free game on the battlefield.

I flicked my fingers forward at each screw envisioning the particles loosening their grip on one another until they all melted leaving puddles of silver gloop in their place. I raised the metal tables, chairs, fitness equipment everything and anything in the training room. They all floated up beside me but I still made sure they were loosely gripped by gravity so I didn't smash any light bulbs I definitely didn't want a repeat of that.

A panicked look crossed Louis' face but only for a moment, before he concealed it with a smirk. Flashing those illegally pearl white teeth at me, "Really Lex, you're planning to take me down with gym equipment?"

I gave him a deadpanned look, "Of course what a fitting death for the oh so great Louis who thinks its a better use of time to be in the gym than getting me a doughnut,"

He chuckled now moulding his firewall into spears obviously preparing me to hurl all my newly found weapons at him.

Again, he assumed too much. Like the fact that his flames would be able to melt the metal before they hit him.

"Always on the defensive Louis, come on show me a real fight," I taunted as he continued to mould his flames. They all glowed different colours. OK, now he was just showing off. Periwinkle flames had no place in a very very serious fight like this one.

He merely laughed, "Oh I'll bring the fight to you once you get through this firewall. To think you started this fight over a doughnut," he rolled his eyes. I mean never mess with a girl's food. Unless you had a death wish and it appeared to me that Louis definitely had a death wish.

"Never mess with a girl when she's hungry," was the last thing I said before I set my plan in motion. He obviously expected me to throw my metal weapons straight at him but I would do the opposite.

I twirled my hands upwards flinging one of the largest metal tables to the side of his fiery wall just to throw him off. It flew just close enough to distract Louis who had assumed that I would let it plunge through the wall and hit him. However, I had other plans. He, as expected, directed most of his power to the flying table leaving a weaker spot of flame on the other side. I watched as the golden spears of flames wrapped around the table melting it like it was ice cream on a hot summer's' day.

Now was my chance. I started to sprint towards the weaker spot of flame before, he could notice me. I flung another table in front of me to take the brunt of the flame with a wave of my hand I decreased the air resistance of the table. The white wisps I saw it as disintegrated before my eyes increasing the speed of both me and the table.

I felt the lick of the flames against me and drew a piece of fitness equipment to my side to conceal me from the flame. With my speed and the amount of energy, I concentrated on this one weakened spot of flame it wasn't long before I broke through. All the while, with my left hand I kept a steady line of objects being flung at Louis, just to keep him distracted.

I must've been grinning like a Cheshire cat as Louis' shocked expression, he had been way to concentrated on the flurry of object's I sent his way.

"Going to give me a fight now?" I quipped struggling to hold back my laughter.

At my words, he quickly got over his shock, and plastered an oh so familiar game face on, "I never go back on my promises do I Lex?"

He lifted his arms and instead of using his fire powers he sent a torrent of water in my direction at full blast it foamed with frothy white bubbles and was heading straight for me. It wouldn't kill me as his flames would but it would hurt a lot.

I smiled he was learning I had totally expected him to go back to trying to beat me with fire. He always was one to fight fire with fire.

This was going to be good.

Before the water could hit me, I watched the black mist that always clung to my ankles loosen at my command and I surging upwards away from the way of the water blast. Too quick for my liking he directed the water upwards using his other hand to send a blast of wind in my direction. Pushing me back while he aimed for me once more.

Now he was the one grinning like a maniac. He thought he had me and would be able to pin me against the wall and ruin my new suit with his Godforsaken water powers.

Not on my watch.

The wind was my main problem at this moment so I increased the air resistance along with the friction between the air particles so it was harder to push me back.

I thrust my arms forward so I was fighting against the wind. Manipulating gravity was my favourite thing to do so that's what I did.

Instead of surging upwards I increased the gravity as much as I could, my arms feel the burn of energy rushing through my bloodstream.

I came hurtling downwards whilst running through mid-air straight for Louis. The smirk was immediately wiped off of Louis' face.

"You think you could take me down with a bit of water?"

"Of course not, but I think I could take you out with this," Without warning the water disappeared and he switched tactics. Using a power he had only recently discovered a risky move but it might just win him this fight.

Unlike me, Louis' powers consisted of manipulating the elements. Fire, water, air and earth.

With a wave of his hands, two large thick roots burst through the ground wrapping around my ankles I was about to snap them with my inter-molecular powers divide up the molecules and turn them into goop but Louis had already thought this through.

"Ah, Ah," Louis shook his head with fake disapproval. In a flash, the roots and vines grew and wrapped around my hands pinning them against my sides.

"I win."

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