Chapter Four: Side Characters & Their Stories

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

My jaw drops open. Who does this Rockstar think he is!

"What are you? A stalker or something!" I snap at him. But I pray that my bark is worse than my bite because I have no energy left to act out aggression on him.

"Let's just say it comes with the job description... and I think I'm someone who knows that you need to vent..."

Okay, I'll humor him. Maybe Rockstar does have a job. He has his wallet. So, why is he still sitting in my apartment waiting for me to tell him my problems? What is he a cop or something?

"I'm not going to sleep with you, again!" I tell him.

"I'm not doubting that... But, I don't feel right leaving you in the state that you're in. My job is to serve and to protect!" He shows me his identification.

What do you know? He is a police officer. At least now I understand why he is so in shape. One thing that commonly gets misconstrued with feminism is that people believe that feminists are man-haters.

But that's not the way it is, at all. Feminists believe in equality. We believe that women should be treated equally as men. It's that same misconception that ruins so many of our relationships.

People hate and fear what they do not understand. A woman who is tired of being screwed over and wants to make a stand to get what they rightfully deserve can sometimes seem scary... and sure, the behavior that I displayed today was a little... out of the ordinary.

But you are forgetting that I not only suffer from anxiety... but I can also be very neurotic. Sure, I could have left my job with a little more grace than I chose, but that was me at breaking point.

Nobody has the right to treat a woman, that way... ever! Nor should any man be treated like that, either. Women and men both have the right to be respected and to feel respected wherever and whenever they happen to be.

Besides, Rockstar... I mean, Officer Jaime is right. I do need to vent. "You want to hear how my day went after I threw you out of my house?" I ask him.

He nods. "Surprisingly, I do..." So I tell him. It can't hurt and hey, it does make me feel better afterward. In turn, after my long-winded tale and as conversations go, it is my turn to hear his story.

In a nutshell, he is a police officer, his band buddies are guys from his work. He's single, also loves walks on the beach and actually has a life outside of work and the band.

See? A side-character backstory... However short it may be. And while that is all that I will give you on him for now, I can assure you that, there will be more, later on.

Our afternoon passes by relatively quickly and while it feels strangely comfortable... maybe because I have already seen him naked, it is eventually time for him to leave. I walk him to the door, my temptation to kick his ass out, his non-existent. I even gave him my number.

But then, as he leaves he asks: "So, when can I see you again?"

"I knew there was a catch!" I say.

Personally, after everything that has gone on today, I don't even know if I will be in my apartment for much longer if I can't find another job. So frankly, my life is up in the air. I really don't want to bring this guy down with me and I most certainly do not need a hero right now.

But he is sweet and he has spent the entire afternoon listening to me vent about my awful day. So I do my best to explain as easily as possible. "I really don't think that a relationship is in the cards for me right now. But, we've exchanged numbers... so, maybe in the future."

Feminist Guide to Fake Datingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें