Chapter 28

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Fury stood impassive in front of the glass.

"So we meet again."

Loki grinned like a Chesire.

"And once again I'm trapped in your marvelous cage. You must be so proud of your precious little puppets. Your Avengers!"

Fury raised an eyebrow.

"Do I look pleased? Is that the emotion you see written on my face?"

"Ah!" Loki threw his head back. "Now that's clearly anger! You mortals change so dreadfully fast, I don't know how you expect me to keep up!"

Fury's face did not change.

"You're a tough act to follow yourself, god of mischief. If you think tricks of phrase are going to create some camaraderie between us, you are gravely mistaken. I've seen how you operate. You threaten in your superiority, and use humor when you need sympathy. You instill doubt through carefully executed lies that bring to question the most foundational of beliefs."

Fury shook his head at Loki, and told a lie. 

"It's not working this time. The Avengers are stronger than ever before. With your escape, they have more than enough reason to band together."

Loki smiled knowingly and leaned back against the padded wall of his cell.

"Is that so? You stand firm even on your shaky morality?" His eyes flashed. "Perhaps it is time I threw you a bone, Director. I've never lied to you."

The smile had vanished from Loki's face. His eyes were as serious as stone. Fury felt his confidence evaporate with it. That couldn't be true. His mind raced to find a moment, a word, a phrase, anything, and he couldn't.

"But you, Director Fury, the great hand of justice, you have lied to me."

Fury felt like he'd been punched in the gut. He hid it well.

"You can't honestly expect me to believe what you say about Thor."

Loki cocked his head.

"I never told you one lie. I saw it with my own eyes, Thor laughing as he murdered hundreds of Jotuns." Loki shook his head. "And there was no reason for him to attack. I had already solved the situation peacefully." Loki sneered. "But Thor is a beast, driven entirely by his emotions. In Asgard he would break and overturn furniture in his often fits of passion. He does not heed sound advice or listen to reason!" Loki glared at him. "Will you?"

Fury's eyes narrowed. This was an all too convenient time to smear his brother. It played on the doubts Fury was already harboring.

"If your words are true, what do you intend for me to do about them?"

Loki's eyes glittered.

"Bound as I am now, I can only warn you, but if you free me, and swear loyalty to me, I will help you defeat him."

Fury glared. "Not gonna happen."

Loki shrugged. "Then I cannot help you. When his war lust comes upon him, you will all be lost."

Fury put up a hand.

"Take the melodrama down a notch. I want to confirm your honesty first."

"I have never lied to you."

Fury nodded. "Let's keep that record going then. Tell me about the woman who freed you."

There was a moment of awkward silence. Loki even managed to look sheepish.

"I can't."

Fury crossed his arms over his chest.

"And why not?"

Loki's eyes darted away from Fury's, finding solace in the empty corner of his cell.

"I vowed that I would say nothing. If I break that vow, she will return."

Fury was shocked at Loki's bluntness, but he wanted just a little bit more.

"She'll return? Return and do what exactly?"

Loki's eyes held contempt, colored with the yellow light of fear. He looked at Fury like the man was an idiot.

"She will kill me."

Fury's heart pounded heavily in his chest. She would kill him? Then they weren't allies?

"Why would she have freed you in the first place if she intended to simply kill you when it was over?"

Loki shook his head. "It was for her own purposes. I can say nothing."

Fury raised an eyebrow. He didn't need to say any more. He'd said enough. The woman was not his ally, and she had some scheme concerning Agatha.

Fury gave Loki a deep nod. "Thank you for your cooperation. Rest assured that we will do all we can to protect you until you can be escorted to Asgard."

Loki threw his head back and laughed out loud.

"You're useless! She's more powerful than all of you combined! You couldn't stop her."

Fury took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"We'll just have to see."

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