Chapter 6

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From the briefing room Steve jogged directly to the elevator and took it down, deep under SHIELD headquarters. He walked along a dim hallway, past several guards to stand at the side of a character right out of ancient history.

Thor gave him a curious look as he came to a stop. "Captain Rogers, I have not seen you for some time. How is your lady?"

Steve smiled despite everything on his mind. "She's awake!"

Thor broke into an infectious grin. "This is reason for rejoicing!"

Steve chuckled. "Yeah." he jerked his chin toward the cell. "How is he?"

"Very angry. He will not speak to me anymore." Thor's eyes grew distant. "He will not eat anymore."

Steve's eyes looked past the glass. Inside, Loki was hunched, pushed as far into the back corner as he could manage. He definitely looked thinner than Steve remembered. His arms were locked in cuffs that resembled some sort of straitjacket. His eyes were boring holes in the concrete floor, but then, as if on demand, his eyes rose, and looked right into Steve's.

A lump lodged in Steve's throat and he swallowed roughly, coughing behind a fist. He turned to Thor. 

"You're certain he can't get out, right?"

Thor nodded solemnly. "The cuffs he wears are designed to inhibit his magic. With them on, he is like any mortal."

Steve raised an eyebrow. "So can he starve to death?"

In the cell, Loki's mouth cracked into a wide, creepy grin. Steve grimaced. Could he hear them?

"Thor, I need to talk to you." He glanced up at him. "Alone?"

Thor gave him a raised eyebrow. "Is something amiss?"

A light smile shadowed Steve's lips. "Sort of."

He couldn't be angry with Thor, even if he tried. Thor carried himself with the kind of honor and integrity that Steve wanted for himself.

They moved down the hallway of empty rooms, past the guards and into the elevator. The doors slid smoothly shut. Steve took a deep breath. 

"Captain Rogers, what is bothering you?"

"The Avengers were supposed to have a meeting today."

"I don't remember-"

"Yeah, I don't think they told you. Stark wasn't happy."


Steve winced. "He wants Loki to face justice."

"He will!"

"Yes, but how long will he wait? Stark feels taken advantage of. He told us you asked him to build a machine."

"I asked him for his help. There are certain portions of Midgardian technology that escape me."

Steve nodded. "Yeah, I know how you feel. But it isn't me you need to convince. The US government may decide to take his punishment into their own hands."

At this Thor's brows lowered, and he corralled Steve into a corner of the elevator.

"Loki is of Asgard, and his crimes will be tried there!" 

His finger punctuated the point in Steve's chest, and he swirled out of the elevator as the doors opened.

"Thor!" Steve bounded after him. "Look, no one is planning to do anything to Loki, we just want to warn you-"

"Where is Stark?"

Natalie and Banner looked up dear-eyed as Thor barged into the room. Tony was nowhere to be seen.

"He, um-"

"He's not here." Natasha stood. "He left to talk to Fury about the girl."

"I will go speak with him as well."

Steve blocked the door with his body. "Thor, I just want to make sure you've calmed down first. Stark doesn't want to hurt Loki."

Natasha sidled up next to them. "I wouldn't say that. He's a little afraid of him. We all are. If he escapes-"

"He will not! I have seen to it!"

"That's not the point! If he escapes, how much damage could he cause?"

"I don't know."

The room was so tense that Banner started chuckling. "Can I get out of here before you guys start blowing things up?"

Thor gave him a look and pushed past Steve. "I will speak with Fury."

Steve stepped after him. "I'll go with you."

"Wait." Natasha grabbed Steve's elbow. "I need to talk with you."

Steve's gaze snapped back, his eyebrows furrowed. "What is it?"

Natasha jerked her head. "Come with me."

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