Chapter 2

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One question burned in my mind like a brand.

"Was I-did I get knocked over by Captain America?"

The woman's mouth curved into a deep, upside-down v. "You were injured in the attack on New York City. The exact circumstances are unknown."

My eyes narrowed. "I'm pretty sure it was him." I could have been wrong, of course. I'd never been sent on a mission without being informed beforehand. It could have been a different attack on New York. I could have been sent back in time for all I knew.

The sharpness in the woman's eyes only intensified. "An unverifiable claim against the Avengers will have no basis for a lawsuit."

I smiled despite myself. So I was on a mission. How nice.

The woman looked confused by my smile. "However, if you require it, legal council can be made available-"

I chuckled. "No, I don't want it. So, I'm paralyzed. Where am I? How long will I be here, and how much will it cost?"

"All expenses are being taken care of. Now that you're awake, you should be discharged soon."

All expenses were taken care of? Oh yes, I had been hit by Captain America, and Shield was trying to avoid a lawsuit. Well, they didn't have to worry about that from me. But that left me with only one more question for her.

"Who was that guy? The guy who tried to resuscitate me before all the nurses rushed in?"

The woman closed her eyes and her mouth twisted  in disgust. "Did he hurt you? I'm sorry, but he's been hanging around, even though I've told him to leave. I'll see that he doesn't bother you again."

Hmm. He might be a key to whatever I was supposed to accomplish here. What was Daniel thinking, not briefing me before he threw me across alternate realities?

"Well, I'd like to talk to him, if that's okay?"

"I don't think that's a very good idea. He's-"

She hadn't even finished speaking when there was a knock on the door, outside of my vision.

"I heard that someone was awake?"

The man's voice caught in my chest. It was him. That was convenient.

The woman's eyes flashed in anger. "I'm sorry, she doesn't want to see you."

Hey! I opened my mouth to give her a piece of my mind, but he got there first.

"I heard otherwise, Morgan."

The door creaked and footsteps crossed the floor. I couldn't help it. I sucked in a sharp breath as the bright red, white, and blue uniform came into sight. There was a legend standing over me. And he was so tall!

He nodded awkwardly. "Hello."

Okay, this was not what I had expected. What was I supposed to do with him?

"Hi." I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"You look well." he blinked. "Awake, I mean."

"You saw me when I was asleep?"

"Yeah, I-" His eyes glanced nervously at Morgan. He swallowed. "-I did."

"Yeah? How long was I asleep?"

The Captain winced. "About a month?"


I wanted to punch Daniel in the mouth. He'd stuck me in a useless body. This wasn't funny. How was I supposed to accomplish anything like this? I really, really hated it when I didn't know what was going on.

"More like two months?" Morgan cut in.

"What about my job? My apartment?" As if they existed in this reality.

He put up a hand. "Don't worry about it. Everything has been taken care of."

"Thank you. I suppose it's nothing compared to-to 70 years though."

He smiled. "It's similar. But I could move the first moment I opened my eyes."

I frowned. Daniel would hear it once I got home. "Hmm. Lucky. Is there any way, I mean-will I get better?"

His face betrayed guilt. "Yes, you will. We will do everything in our power to help you."

He bent to pick up my hand from the bed and held it firmly. Even though I couldn't feel his grip, I knew it was strong, and it warmed me deep in my chest. Okay, so maybe this wasn't so bad. I'd watched enough Avengers films to know he wasn't a liar.

I smiled, and he smiled, and few moments later we were still staring at each other. He chuckled finally and looked away.

"I'm so glad you're awake."

I could bring a blush to my cheeks when I needed it. "Me too."

"Are you-um, comfortable?"

"I think so. I can't really feel any pain."

"That's good! I thought that-well, I heard there was an issue this morning."

Morgan had her arms crossed over her chest, and her mouth twisted into a scowl.

"Yes, her heart had a bit of a hiccup. It's probably what helped her wake up."

The captain looked as shocked as I was. "That's amazing! I didn't know that could happen!"

She glared at him. "You learn something new every day."

He sighed. Her mood was wearing on him. "Morgan, do you think you could give us a moment, alone?"

Her ponytail shook as she swung her head. "I don't know if that's a good idea. You might do something to her."

His eyes narrowed. "You will leave now."

She laughed, and it echoed hollowly in the corners of the room. "You'll be the one explaining yourself to the director!" and she strode out of the room.

His face relaxed as the door slammed behind her. I hid my smile in the corners of my mouth. Now I would find out why I had been sent from my peaceful 21st century earth to the one gripped by war.

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