Chapter 15

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Twenty minutes earlier Loki sat in his cell, his arms locked in Asgardian cuffs. His empty belly burned, but he wouldn't let it bother him. Father and Mother would see him haggard and wasted and be sorry. They hadn't mourned him. Loki wasn't foolish enough to believe Thor's lies.

If he could he'd break out of this pitiful human cell and teach all of them a lesson, but with the cuffs blocking his magic, he couldn't do a thing.

Suddenly his mouth split in a wide grin.

"There's no need to hide, darling. I can see you."

Out of phase and invisible, Morgan smiled. "Oh, it's not you I'm hiding from."

Loki's eyes met hers, and the deep manacing green caused her heart to leap for just a moment.

"Tell me," his words rushed like silk across her ears, "what are you, that you posses such power?"

Morgan's smile dropped just the slightest bit. "I see now why they call you silver tongue. You can't manipulate me, Odinson. I am a wizard."

"I am not Odinson. And I did not know that there were wizards of Midgar."

"We have remained hidden for a very long time. Humans are not the most accepting creatures."

"You have not yet told me your name."

"I am Morgan."

"What do you wish of me, Morgan?"

"I need a distraction. My patient is being watched and I need to be with her alone."

Loki grinned. 

"Who is this person who causes such a ruckus? The soldier seems to have taken a liking to her!"

"That's none of your concern. She belongs to me."

"Belongs?" Loki's lip curled. "Such a strong choice of words!"

"Hey!" A guard jogged up to the cell and looked back and forth. His brow furrowed in confusion. "Keep quiet in there."

He turned and jogged back to his fellow, shrugging his shoulders. Morgan stepped up to the glass.

"I will free you, and pull you out of phase as I am. In return, you will help me accomplish my means. Once it is accomplished, you are free to do whatever you wish."

Loki's smile unsettled her stomach. "I agree." He whispered.

Morgan stepped forward, through the glass, and stood in front of Loki. His eyebrows rose as she opened the phase doorway in front of her and stepped through. She knelt and looked hard at Loki's bonds. She could use keys to open it, but there wasn't time for that.

Morgan raised her hands and spun out a thin strand of matter. It floated in the air between her palms and she sent it into the lock. Inside it twisted to her will, filling up the all the little gaps and the lock clicked. The clasp opened.

Morgan drew the matter back into herself. She pulled the clasp apart and Loki shrugged out of the straightjacket and stood.

"Hey, do you hear that? What's he doing now?"

Before Morgan could open a phase gate and get them out of there, Loki had grabbed her shoulders and spun her around, enveloping her in an illusion. The guard stepped up to the window and his eyes narrowed.

Loki still sat in his corner, arms in the straightjacket, the same cocky grin on his lips. The guard looked once over the empty cell and scowled as he trudged back to his post. 

The air that was trapped in Morgan's lungs escaped in a strangled sigh. She couldn't see the illusion around them, she only felt a slight tingle from Loki's hands on her shoulders.

"How are you doing this?" She whispered. 

"Perhaps we could save the conversation for a later time?" Loki hissed. His hands released her with a shove and she stumbled. Oh yay. He was going to be great company.

Silently she opened the phase door and pulled Loki in, letting it shut behind them.

"Now we can speak."

Loki's fingers fiddled at his sides. "The air in here tastes strange."

"Does it? I can't tell. I've lived in here too long. While you stay in here there is no eating or sleeping. Your tissues maintain themselves indefinitely."

Loki's knives appeared at his sides. "You've given me immortality." He sneered.

Morgan rolled her eyes. "Don't even try it. If I die, you're stuck in here, forever. You'll never be able to interact with the outside world again."

Loki's eyes narrowed. "Really?" His head snapped back to look, and he scowled. His illusion inside the cell had disappeared. "How?"

"You're out of phase. It's an entirely different state of being."

Loki twisted his hand in the air, once, twice, and nothing happened. He growled.

"Get me out of here!"

"You made a deal with me, remember? As soon I get what I want, you get what you want."

Loki sheathed his knives. "Let's get this over with."

Silently he followed Morgan through the windless world. There was wasn't even the slightest motion in the air. She led him to the patient's door and stood outside.

"You said you wanted to see the girl causing the trouble."

Loki gave her a strange look, and took a step through the door, into my room.

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