Chapter 20

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Loki shifted his weight, trying to walk more like a woman. The Midgar weapons strapped to his hips didn't help. He felt like every eye was on him.

He weaved through the cafeteria towards Fury, standing at the top of the stairs and took them two at a time.

"Director Fury!"

Fury jerked at the sound of his voice.

"Agent Hill, where have you been?"

Loki smiled as he reached the top of the stairs.

"It took a while to get down. The top floors have been completely cleared now, still no sign of-" he paused and looked over his shoulder. "-of trouble."

Fury's frown deepened. "That only means he's closer to us." He looked over the cafeteria. "He could be down there for all we know."

Loki's eyes narrowed.

"We'd see him, wouldn't we?"

Fury shook his head. 

"Not exactly. I've been informed that Loki can change his shape."

Loki nodded, keeping his face neutral. He wanted so badly to laugh right in Fury's face.

"I see."

He leaned over the railing and studied the pitiful humans, teeming in the open space. They were so nauseatingly chaotic, he wanted to be sick. He turned away, unable to watch any longer. His eyes met Fury's, who was watching him intently. 

Loki's brow furrowed.

"Sir, may I be frank?"

He nodded.

"You may."

Fury's coolness was throwing him off. Loki felt felt all wrong leaning against the railing, so he stood up straight.

"Sir, I don't believe that Thor can be trusted in this matter. He is clearly far too close to his brother."

Fury sighed and stepped up beside him.

"I agree with you, that's why I sent him and Rogers out of the way. But you misunderstood me. I didn't hear this information from Thor."

Loki wasn't an idiot. So this was what Fury's hinting tone had been leading at. They had seen him create an illusion around himself. But how? He had always been careful to cover the cameras. 

Fury was standing right next to him. Did he know that this was a disguise? Had they somehow seen him take this form, and leave the woman unconscious?

Fury took a deep breath, letting it out in a deep sigh. Loki saw the hint of a smile in the shadows under his cheekbones. He knew. 

Loki's knife appeared in his hand. He had to move quickly. He turned suddenly, intending to plunge the knife into Fury's side, but Fury turned at the same moment.

Loki felt two little spikes touch him and suddenly his body tensed up completely. He couldn't move, and his illusion slid right off him like water. He fell backwards onto the floor, and Fury stood over him, smiling now, the taser still in his hand.

"I can't give Thor credit for this tip either, really. I guess we're lucky it works so well."

He jerked his head at the armed guards and they jumped forward, slapping those cursed cuffs back on his wrists. Out of a doorway stepped Black Widow and the Hawk.

"Well done, Barton. I'm very fortunate to have the use of your eyes."

Clint didn't even smile. His eyes met Loki's with intensity.

"Just doing my job, Sir."

Loki smiled wide. 

"Clint, how would you betray your master?"

Clint reached for an arrow and put it to his bow.

"You aren't my master." He pulled the string back to his ear. "Request permission to finish Loki right here, Sir."

Loki jerked at that, sending a sudden wary look at Fury. Fury's face was serious. Was he considering it?

"I have half a mind to say yes, and stop him before he causes any more trouble." He sighed. "But if it's a choice between fighting this Asgardian or the other one-" Fury shook his head. "I take Loki."

Loki grinned.

"Of course you would. Thor is a beast. He's incapable of reason. He destroys wantonly, without any regard for life or property."

Fury took a step forward.

"It sounds like you're talking about the wrong brother."

Loki chuckled.

"You forget, I've seen him in action. I've watched him murder innocent Jotuns, a smile on his face, laughing with glee!"

Clint raised his bow again.


Fury put up a hand.

"Hold. I want to hear this. You forget, Loki, that we have seen you in action, and you have a habit of murdering innocent people."

Loki placed his hand against his chest.

"I? I merely  do what must be done!"

His muscles had stopped tensing and he sat up slowly, deliberately.

"This world is falling apart. You kill your own by the thousands every day! I am the leader you need to create peace. I will live for thousands of years, and in those thousands of years Midgar will become the most prosperous, most peaceful, of all the nine realms. I can provide that."

Fury turned away. 

"Take the liar back to his cell."

Loki was pulled roughly to his feet.

"You can't trust Thor, can you? You can't trust him to not take my side over yours!"

The guards pulled him away, but his gaze stayed riveted on Fury's back.

"You'll regret this one day, when your world is in utter chaos."

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