Chapter 23

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Loki grinned.

"So we are. What does the mechanical man want from me?"

Tony winced.

"Now that's harsh. The suit's mechanical." Loki's expression did not change. "The name is Tony Stark, the owner of that big tower you tried to use to take over the world?"

Loki raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, we've met."

Tony took a large gulp from his mug and glared over the top of it. This little stinker was making him frustrated so fast. Where was the regret? The consternation? Didn't he feel the slightest hint of embarrassment at being defeated twice?

Tony wanted to drive the nail in. He wanted to see Loki squirm.

"So you have any deep insight for me?" He gave Loki his sour face. "You know, on what it feels like to lose?"

Loki's grin shrank just a bit. His brow ruffled like he was confused.

"I haven't lost. You've only witnessed the barest trace of my power, and you think you know everything!" Loki huffed. "Such arrogance."

Tony grinned. "That is one of my best features. It only comes with the full package deal though."

Loki's mouth got very round. "What?"

"Arrogance, that thing you were talking about, it only comes with the full package deal." He held out his fingers. "So, money, intelligence, fame, all of these have to be included before you get real arrogance." Tony took a step closer to the glass. "So I'd put a lot of money on it that you had all those things, the fame, the fortune. Everyone knows who Loki is. And the brains! You're the god of mischief! You've trademarked outsmarting!"

Tony cocked his head to the side. "Yet you are the one behind bars. With all the bluster and the threats, you still fail to deliver." He shook his head. "It's really sad. How the god has fallen."

Something flashed in the back of Loki's eyes, a little like anger, but more like silent determination. He smiled.

"You have every reason to think that I'm beaten. That's how it looks to you, doesn't it? But you forget that you're mortal. You forget that two hundred, three hundred years means nothing to me. It's a mere few days." His eyes burned into Tony's. "Make no mistake Tony Stark, I will come back, and next time, I won't fail."

Tony chuckled and his eyes dropped to the floor.

"Oh, I don't care what you do in two hundred years. It won't be my problem. I care about what you're planning to do in an hour, or two hours from now. Or in five minutes, if I turn my back. That is my problem."

Loki only grinned.

"I'm in a cage, remember? What could I possibly be planning?"

Tony shrugged his shoulders. "Your grand escape with your accomplice, of course?"

Loki's face became mildly amused and he furrowed his brow just the slightest.

"My accomplice? Who might you be talking about?"

Tony cocked his head to the side.

"The woman who let you out, of course!"

Loki's face darkened and grew more perplexed.

"A woman? With the power to free me from these cuffs? She sounds tantalizing."

Tony blinked, unprepared for the reply.

"She kind of does, doesn't she?"

There was a moment of awkward silence, and they just stared at each other. They were too similar, the two of them. Tony played Loki, and Loki just played right back. He couldn't out-debate him. But maybe he could trick him.

Tony took another sip from his mug.

"Man, I'm glad to not be in your shoes right now."


"Yeah, the whole thing with the sentencing was pretty awful, I heard. Thor probably had a meltdown. He's pretty attached."

Tony could see the look in Loki's eyes change.

"Attached to whom?"

Loki's voice was curious, as if he knew nothing.

Tony shook his head slowly.

"He's attached to you. Heaven help us if he decides to spring you."

Loki's eyes narrowed, but he said nothing. The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open. Tony lowered his voice.

"Even if you don't tell us who she is or how she got you out, we'll still figure it out. You just won't be there to see it. Your choice."

Tony turned and marched away as the guards walked up.

"Good work, boys, keep it up."

He dropped his empty mug into a trash can before he reached the elevator. The shattering ceramic sent a pleasant shiver up his spine. He was going to bed.

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